Sending Personalised Video in Email? No Sweat!

free video coaching Oct 06, 2022

Video in email is the new black. People respond to videos better because it’s easy to connect with, it simplifies information and easily builds rapport. Just seeing the person addressing you and  relaying a clear and simple message, immediately establishes trust that written emails just can’t. Written emails are bound to have questions left unanswered, or perspective not clearly relayed.

A straightforward, visual, and personalised message is the way to their hearts. After all, who can resist clicking a video thumbnail with your prospect’s first name stamped on it?

Even the 2022 surveys are looking optimistic. Videos in email is said to:

  • Increase open rates by 19%
  • Boosts click through rates by as much as 65%
  • And reduces unsubscribes by 26%

It’s obviously an opportunity you shouldn’t miss.


Sales Videos You Can Personalise 

  1. Reply-Enquiry Videos - videos used to respond to enquiries regarding your services or product.
  2. Demo Videos - how-to videos that shows prospects how their business product or services works. 
  3. Proposal Walkthrough Videos - explains your proposal in great detail so your prospects or clients are aware what they're signing for and greatly reduces hesitations. 


How DIY Video Program Helps Personalise Your Video

While advanced technology made it easier for people to record videos with their gadgets, it does not come with free instructions on how to create professional videos that is on brand and sends clear message what your business is all about.

Most importantly, for this process to be incorporated into your business system, creating video must prove to be sustainable and measurable in the long run.

And this is how the DIY Video Program can help you. The program gives you an opportunity to:

  • Own a DIY Desktop Kit that you can use with a flick of a switch
  • Produce professional videos that are on brand
  • Train for scripting process and on-camera presentation
  • Support you on how to create and send video in email


Video Prospecting and Vidyard 

To learn more about video prospecting, using video in sales, and how to use Vidyard, you can also check our podcast called Video Made Simple hosted by Chris Schwager, where our beloved guests shared their expertise on effectively using videos to communicate and maximising the potential of videos ROI.

How does video prospecting work? Check out Episode 111: "What is SDR Video Prospecting? with Chet Lovegren"

Why use Vidyard to create sales video? Check out Episode 113: "Vidyard & Visual Selling: Creating a Culture of Video in Business with Tyler Lessard"


  Written by: 

Christine C. Camarillo


Ready to create your own videos without the hassle? Go to and check out how to professionally produce your own Do It Yourself videos.  




 Chris Schwager

Chris Schwager is an Inbound Video Marketing Specialist with 20+ year history as a Video Director, Script Writer and Presenter as well as a regular Podcast Host and video coach. He's on a mission to change how Corporate Organisations, Government & Small Businesses use DIY and professional videos to improve communication, leads and sales.



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