Build Rapport & Reinforce Relationships Virtually with Den Lennie

Build Rapport & Reinforce Relationships Virtually with Den Lennie (Episode 6)

video marketing podcast Mar 26, 2020

This podcast episode is about unpacking as many ideas as possible to help you remain relevant as crisis consistently presents opportunities. Some businesses can drive empathy but actually not have a solution that's going to be helpful.

Video legend Den Lennie from Video Business Accelerator gives us his perspective on the video marketing industry and how businesses just like you can use videos to adapt to this changing landscape.

"We are a civilization that needs to connect and communicate. We have the ability to communicate on video like this and transmit anywhere in the world. Make content that you can push out to socials that shows the world you understand how they feel and help them brainstorm to come up with creative ideas to pivot their business in this time when business landscape is rapidly changing."



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