Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts About Podcasting In 2020 with Jordan Paris

Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts About Podcasting In 2020 with Jordan Paris (Episode 23)

video marketing podcast Sep 09, 2020

With the technical barriers to creating a podcast lowered significantly in the last couple of years, many podcasters are now finding new audiences for their business through creating their own podcast show.

In this episode, we're joined by Jordan Paris who helps podcasters grow in both profit and influence. Jordan’s podcast, Growth Mindset University interviews the most successful people on planet like James Altucher, Grant Cardone, Robert Greene, Mark Manson, Dan Millman, Ryan Serhant, and Naveen Jain. He's been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur & Yahoo! Finance.

"To get a podcast on all these platforms... the tools and tech and the software definitely overwhelms people. It's what I call the unknown variables of podcasting. If you can solve those variables and have a little bit more clarity on those things, then podcasting becomes a whole lot less stressful."

Here’s what you can learn from the episode:

  • Start if Growth Mindset University
  • Outreach in the podcast world
  • Does social proof matter?
  • Is it ego/fear that stopping people?
  • How does Trend Up Media work?



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