Is Presenting on Camera Holding You Back with Dr Greg Schreeuwer Part 1

Is Presenting on Camera Holding You Back with Dr Greg Schreeuwer Part 1 (Episode 72)

video marketing podcast Sep 06, 2021

The fear of presenting on camera is real and is a very common fear which could translate into missed opportunities or regressing your professional career.

Welcome to 'Video Made Simple' an easy listen video marketing & production podcast featuring marketers, entrepreneurs & clients who help take the mystery out of video and break through the monotony of day-to-day communication.

In this episode, Chris Schwager (Video Marketer from Ridge Films) is joined by Dr Greg Schreeuwer (Chiropractor, Kinesiologist and Empowerment Coach at Universal Health) as they talk about the phobia of presenting on camera and of public speaking. 

"When you're comparing yourself to somebody else, and you're trying to do it in a way that isn't in your own, you're gonna mess it up. If you're worried about the reactions of others, the judgments of others, the criticisms of others, you're going to mess it up. So the key is to resolve those two pieces. As long as you resolve those two pieces, you're going to be able to shine, you're going to be able to do your thing, no problem.


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Dr Greg Schreeuwer 0:01

Everyone has an ability to present in front of others, but it's when we try to present in an area that we don't value as highly that's when we get really anxious as well. That's when we get really nervous because we let go and shit, I don't know the material. I don't know the content matter as much. How am I going to wrap my head around this? How am I going to present this. This is not my area of expertise and I'm not highly skilled here. And that's another thing to kind of combat when it comes to presenting.

Chris Schwager 0:30

Hello video marketing professionals. Welcome to the podcast that takes the mystery out of producing videos. I'm your host, Chris Schwager, Dr Greg Schreeuwer is a chiropractor in Double Bay. He's a kinesiologist in human behavioural specialists. He specialises in helping people overcome the obstacles, limitations and challenges that are keeping them from accomplishing their goals and dreams. He is dedicated to helping people truly understand how they live a healthier, more empowered and fuller life doing what they love. He also helped me my wife, my family, and it's just been really interesting journey. And I had to have Dr. Greg on our show, because I know that he has so much that he can add to the people that have that phobia of presenting on camera or presenting in general phobia of public speaking. I mean, this is the podcast for you. If you have any of those fears, you need to definitely listen to this episode, let's have a listen to Dr Greg Schreeuwer.

Dr Greg Schreeuwer 1:36

All of us, every single human being on the planet has no problem presenting or performing. All of us have no problem with it. We think we have a problem with it in certain situations, because maybe we've never done it in that format before. But we're all good at it. And we're all good at it in the areas that we have high value you and Susan, and your family came to us in our practice because of a talk that I gave, I wasn't supposed to actually present at that event.

Dr. Peter, who owns the practice that we work in, he was actually the one who was asked to present but for family reasons he wasn't able to go. I stayed up to one o'clock that night, literally trying to prepare a speech and I'm shattered remembering things that I write down like i'm not i'm not someone who remembers things by wrote like he messages me maybe like an hour before this thing is about a start. And he's like, I can't do it, you're going to go. And now I'm like, now I'm like, freaking anxious, nervous, I'm like, I need to go to the bathroom. Before I leave, I get on the train. When I get to town hall, I got to go to the bathroom there. I throw this whole speech, right, I wrote like two pages preparing for this thing. I threw it out the window.

As I walked up on stage, literally as I walked there and faced you guys, as cool as a cucumber. I was like in the zone, all of a sudden, I just knew where I needed to begin, because I was talking about any t this technique I was talking about earlier, and knew I was gonna talk about that I've been doing it for 15 years of my life, like, I know this shit like the back of my hand. So I knew that the problem like the problem that I was starting with that people didn't know what it was, and that I needed to kind of convey what it was.

But the thing that kind of got me and done within the 24 hours prior to this whole thing, was trying to do it in a way that wasn't me. So for me as an example, anytime I talk about human behaviour, or health and well being or problem solving, because I just love creative problem solving. And this is where I shine, I'm really good at speaking about it, I can usually keep people engaged for a lengthy period of time or a considerable period of time, because it's my it's my experts subject matter, and everyone has that. And oftentimes people don't remember or recognise where they've been good at it. So one of the things you could do, one of the things a person could do is help them see when and where in their life, they've actually been great at performing or presenting in front of an audience in front of others.

What was it about what were they doing? What were they talking about was the subject matter where they literally they shine. And then other areas are like they super shy and timid and they just can't get up in front of people and like getting in front of a camera will be too difficult for them. So it's about helping them own that. Most times they're just not owning it. 100% because I think they don't have what other people have, which is not true.

So if let's say for example, you again we use use an example. And you were one of those people who like you knew you wanted to do this, you knew you wanted to present on camera, but you were just shit scared about the whole idea. Like you didn't want to go down that road because I think you just know I'm going to be terrible at this thing. So what I would do is I'd go Okay, well, is there any one that you respect or admire who's really good at that? Like anyone you can think of, and they might go, and you might go, yeah, there's this person is this person is this person. Okay, cool. Pick the one that you admire the most to who you think does it the best. And I know we've spoken about Gary Vee before. So we'll use him as an example, because he's actually really good at communicating a message.

Chris Schwager 5:20

I haven't really thought about him since our first.

Dr Greg Schreeuwer 5:24

But he's really as we know, he's really good at communicating content and communicating a message. So I would, let's say, for example, that was someone who you admired in terms of performance and presenting, I've got her What is it specifically about his style, his approach, or the way he delivers his message Are you actually admire that you think he does it better than you could? And I'd get you to really clarify them get really specific on maybe one, two, even three things that you think he's good at when it comes to presenting on social media, or on YouTube, or when he's in front of an audience presenting to like a seminar or a talk or something like that he's giving an interview. And what I'd get you to do is look for when and where in your life, you've done the same thing, in not this exact same thing, but in a similar or even slightly different form, but to the exact same degree. If you can't own what you see in other people that you already have inside of you, then you're not going to be able to do it the way you see others do it, you're going to hold yourself back and think that you don't have the capacity or the capability to actually shine like they do. But that's, that's bullshit. It's just us not recognising our own potential, our own ability to do what others do incredibly well.

Chris Schwager 6:37

I remember that session that we had around Gary Vee, and I was completely blinded, and in awe, and had popped Gary Vee on a pedestal up here and, and couldn't see any any other possibility. So anyone that slag him off, I'd be like, are what, uh, you know, like, this guy is God, in my mind, and I was, I just couldn't see any other way. And then yeah, through working with you, it got me to understand how I guess debilitating putting people on a pedestal is to your well being to your development to your growth. And that was what I started to understand was that yes, you know, we all have Gary Vee-ness, we all have the potential to be that person. There's no point in downgrading ourselves and keeping us down. Because you know that there's no possible way you could achieve Gary Vee status, for instance, yes, now that you've gone through that explanation, I see the opportunity for so many people that continually remind themselves that they can't present on camera, they can't string two words together, they can't get clear on their messaging, and get them into this kind of can-do mindset where they are able to see the possibility.

Dr Greg Schreeuwer 8:11

And the truth is, it's not hard to get someone into that space. So like using that as the example. So let's say you perceived if, let's say you saw him present on camera in some form, and you perceive that he was really good at commanding attention, the attention of others, that's your, let's say, that's what your perception was right? And you comparing yourself to Him going, I can't do that I can't command the attention of others like he can.

So then I'd go kill when and where have you command on to the attention of others, maybe in a different area of your life, maybe in a slightly different form to him, where others have actually shown value, and respected you and validated your perspective or your input or whatever it might be. And I get them to own a first. And then I ask them, what's the downside to you of you thinking that he can command attention better than you? What's the downside to your thinking that? Well, all that's gonna do is make you feel small, it's going to make you feel insignificant, it's going to make you feel less than it's gonna make you feel pissed off within yourself, you're going to judge yourself, and how's that going to affect you in other areas of your life?

And then the more people start to realise how that's a downside to them, that they put this person on such a pedestal for that thing. I start getting irritated about it, and almost like take them off the pedestal and go. Actually, no, it's not that good. Like, there are aspects that are great for me, but there is a lot of stuff there that I didn't even recognise. It's actually holding me back. Because I'm trying to emulate him. I'm trying to be like him. I'm trying to do it like him.

And I remember when I first started with Peter, who's the chiro that I started with, I tried to emulate him, like literally to the point of using another language you would use with new patients, just the technique approach everything. In fact, a majority of the time when I try to emulate him, try to be like him, it just didn't work, and patients wouldn't come back to me I'd lose patients all the time. And eventually, it took a long time for me to kind of find my groove and find my rhythm and find the way that worked for me. And when I realised that I have just as much impact on a person as he does just my form, my avenue to get there is just different. But the quality of it's the same, then I did that, and that's what I've been doing ever since.

And we we completely are different in our approach to the way we handle patients. We both serve patients to the same degree, but we just just approach we come at it from totally different angles. And if I'm if I continue to try and be like him, compare myself to him, put my abilities down and put his ahead of my own. I would never be successful. I wouldn't I wouldn't be doing this right now. Because you wouldn't have you wouldn't have heard me talk at that event because I wouldn't have been there yet.

Chris Schwager 10:56

We'll be back with Dr Greg Schreeuwer in just a moment. Video is everything. And because the world now is demanding that you appear on camera in some shape or form, it's time to get the skills of a professional presenter, and make life easier when it comes to producing your own video content. Go to because Do It Yourself videos should be easy, and they should work. The DIY video program helps you personalise sales video emails and convert prospects faster, you can create quality social media training and marketing content in volume. You can record professionally produced video updates regularly with ease. And of course look and sound amazing in every video meeting without any tech hassles and get all the professional support resources and practical training to help you start your video marketing journey and present like a pro. So un-boring your videos to improve sales and marketing results and go to

The outcome from that event that you've had, I believe it's been great for you. With regards to bringing on new clients. Can you just talk about the result, I guess of that pivotal moment?

Dr Greg Schreeuwer 12:13

Well, that moment for me, and particularly for the practice, it changed the trajectory of our practice at that particular point in time for Peter as well, not just me. So obviously, I was representing the practice also representing any tea as a technique and representing myself as a practitioner, independent of the practice and the technique. And so that gave me an opportunity in a very, very receptive environment generally, to be seen for the things that I do to be heard, to show a particular approach that I have around human behaviour and the work that I do as a chiro and that attracted particular clientele to me who wanted that version of work, I guess.

It also attracted patients to Pete who wanted a different style. So it's allowed our practice to actually really grow and to strengthen and to pivot in kind of in a new direction. But for me, just independent of the practice. It was quite a rewarding moment for me, kind of almost like I've landed, right, that's what it felt. Yeah. Yeah, in a way was landed. Yeah, people know me, yes. And I'm affiliated with this person who is well known in the health and wellness world for the stuff that he's doing and promoting and helping, you know, practitioners and people like myself get hurt on his platform. So all of a sudden, I had an association with that as well. Sure. So now I had this platform that I could kind of present from and move from and stand from so to speak, which was kind of as it was real pivotal moment for me on my journey.

Chris Schwager 14:02

And it all came to taking the leap. I mean, we've seen it so many times to people on camera. Exactly the same thing. In my personal experience. We're talking it Lawyers weekly forum, Sydney, Melbourne, and was asked to present in front of hundreds of lawyers like I've barely ever been a new lawyer right. Now I've been asked to present I saw I got presented coaching, and some intensive stuff and I've presented many times, but one of the things that I didn't really take serious enough was an hour Do you remember saying this is like you've got to be yourself like you've just got to be yourself. But you've also got to learn that you have to be able to reduce the uhms and uhs and the fluffy words that are just aren't gonna stick with people.

And so I was very conscious about that, right. But I had practice this intro, it was a pattern interrupt it was trying to get command everybody, get everybody on board, divide the room, all of that type of stuff. And they enjoyed me and I came in, and it was just fucking dry as I remember Brendan saying, you know, I would have been good just for you to like, be yourself, and to see, you know, more of yourself come through and just just to, you know, just the Chris, you know, and I was like, Okay, and then, fair enough, I'll take that on board. I flew to Melbourne, like two days later. And then when I walked into the exhibition centre, there was just like, everybody was coming up to me, you know, man, you got to like Pep it up a bit. Like the, the the highest he came over, and he's like, you know what, just want to talk to you for a minute about your presentation. I like everybody was was having a go at me, right. And I had the 5pm or whatever it was 4pm session on a Friday afternoon. But I knew that if I was going to do this better, that I had to do it my way.

And so my pattern interrupt was storm on the stage, clap my hands, kick the fucking mic, do whatever, to get attention, and then really get them razzle dazzle on this home stretch before the whole thing was wrapped up. And it was just a far better experience. I had fun, I enjoyed it, I was relaxed. And I knew as well that taking off the cuff and going off the rails and changing it was a part of this, the theatre of presenting part of the theatriques, nobody will know when you miss a line, miss a slide, forget the message, or whatever it is, it's the show goes on.

And I think when you get over that, you realise that Oh, shit, man, like, it's not that bad after all, you know, I mean, that the floodgates open the barriers removed, but the result of which we did close a lawyer for like seven grands with the video marketing, right. So the output was positive, there wasn't just all in vain, whoa, this is just about progressing my skill set, it actually did lead to a conversion.

Dr Greg Schreeuwer 17:11

When you're comparing yourself to somebody else, and you're trying to do it in a way that is in your own, you're gonna fuck up. If you're worried about the reactions of others, the judgments of others criticisms of others, if you're too attached that shit you're going to fuck up. So the key is to resolve those two pieces. As long as you resolve those two pieces, you're going to be able to shine, you're going to be able to do your thing, no problem.

But if you're attached to either less stuff, if you're putting yourself below whoever you're perceiving as better than you in your imagination or in your mind, you're never going to do well. And so what you did based on what you just said is you did you and you weren't attached to obviously an outcome, and you just went there and did it your own way. And because you did it your own way, you were energised, you're probably a lot clearer, you're probably in your executive centre more consistently. So you're in a natural flow and a natural rhythm, which is generally what happens when you're being you. And your message got heard or got received, and you got a conversion out of it, which is actually a much higher return on your investment if you think about it, because that was actually a good piece of feedback for you. Yes, is to know that when I'm being me, when I'm choosing to be me and not attached to people's judgments of me, yes, I actually get a much better return on this.

Chris Schwager 18:31

So the criticism is feedback. The feedback is healthy. And it's nothing but progressing you as a value professional on the open market and helps you fine tune what you do. That's what helps you today. Well, unfortunately, we've reached the end of part one in our two part series is presenting on camera holding you back is presenting, holding you back with Dr Greg Schreeuwer. But here's a teaser for next week's episode,

Dr Greg Schreeuwer 19:00

there gonna be people who connect with what you say they're going to be people who don't connect with what you say. But if you're trying to get it perfect, because you want everyone to connect, then you're not going to get anyone to connect. It's just never gonna happen. It's never gonna, you just got to be you. You just got to be you know, the one thing that I've learned in my life, it's one of the many things that I will always remember. And that's the thing that I try and teach every single person I come into contact with, is you got to get to the point where you're not attached to other people's perspectives of you good or bad. Because then you get to be yourself. You get to be authentic, you get to be in flow, you get to be in rhythm, and you get to do the thing that you do best whether that's presenting on camera, whether that's performing in front of an audience, whether that's selling to a client, whatever the hell it is, you just get to do it brilliantly.

Chris Schwager 19:38

Join us next week for part two of Is your presenting on camera holding you back with Dr Greg Schreeuwer. Definitely don't want to miss it. That's all for this episode of the video made simple podcast and see you next week.


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