Personalising Videos to Improve Relationships in Financial Services with Ray Djani

Personalising Videos to Improve Relationships in Financial Services with Ray Djani (Episode 14)

video marketing podcast Jun 25, 2020

Many of us are stuck in conversations about WHAT we do, lot’s of the time we forget to talk about WHY we do it.

In this podcast, Ray Djani from Cardena Private Wealth will discuss news, trends, and insights and show you how personalising videos will help improve relationships in financial services.

Marketing is built on emotion and yet that's the thing that we deny our audience of a lot of time. At the end of the day, it is a people's business. You're dealing with relationships notwithstanding the expertise you have. A person's going to come to you, not because of the perception they have of your skills but when you've established a connection. It's about humanising with vulnerability, explaining the why and as a result, building better relationships.



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