Video Production Hobart

Produce videos the right way using a clear process from Google's highest-rated video company.


At Ridge Films, we provide quality video production services to help you and your business create engaging video content to break through the monotony of day-to-day communication.

Producing effective videos takes a combination of experience and a structured process. We help you through every step of the process with our video producers helping you from the planning stages, right through to the video editing and launching. The pathway to great video marketing is the framework that streamlines video production and helps measure your return on investment.

Our Complete Video Production Services 

Unlike other video production companies in Hobart, we offer a comprehensive service that goes beyond project planning, writing a script and video production. 

1. Video Marketing Strategy

2. Production Management

3. Script Writing

4. On Camera Training

5. Video Production

6. Implementation

7. Measure

Types of Marketing Videos

At Ridge Films, we assist you in producing a range of Hobart marketing videos that can help you achieve better awareness, provide information and improve conversion rates including: 

Company Profile Videos

A company profile video helps to demonstrate the capability of your company humanly and creatively. It helps to engage your audience by quickly showing the expertise and credibility of your business by summarising your company offering, sparking interest and building trust with your potential clients. Corporate video production matters as it:

  • Starts conversations with future clients and re-engages existing ones
  • Uses multiple channels to deliver a consistent message
  • The fastest way to introduce your company
  • Clarify your most important brand messages so they resonate with your audience
  •  Outcompete your industry

Case Study Videos

Case study videos provide in-depth examinations from your client's perspective of the benefits and results they will get from working with you, proving the value of your company. This confirms to buyers your company's strengths by using authentic human stories, rather than lengthy written case studies. We help unpack your customer experience by helping you craft a compelling story that is clear and concise. Case study videos matter as they:

  • Close deals across all verticals, industries and personas
  • Allows future clients to relate to past clients
  • Delivers positive outcomes with social proof
  • Show tangible results from happy clients
  • Identify your prospects through real stories

Testimonial Videos

We are able to assist in a range of testimonial videos whether it be for your service, product, review or company. Company testimonial videos are able to remove apprehension, build trust and convert buyers faster by compiling interviews from happy clients who re-enforce the benefits of your company. Service testimonial videos help tell the story of a client's experience from working with your service first-hand. This helps to remove any doubt in the potential customer's mind, overcome apprehension and allow them to feel comfortable in their decision-making. Testimonial videos are important as they:

  • Achieve success in sales across diverse industries, markets, and audiences
  • Helps your new clients to believe what your existing clients say
  • Remove any doubt in your customer's eyes
  • Provide hard-to-replicate, authentic customer experiences
  • Allow future buyers to observe the actions of others and make the same choices.

Corporate Videos

We help produce a range of corporate videos including staff induction, out-of-office videos and keynote highlight videos that you can use both in-house, and as part of your online marketing content and video strategy.

We also provide personal professional videos for individual staff including a personal profile video that demonstrates your capabilities in a human and creative way. These corporate videos help to establish your authority, skills and expertise in a way that benefits your brand and company as a whole.

Overview Videos

Overview and explainer videos are a great way to demonstrate to your potential customer the details about your product or service, why your clients need it and how they can use it. Service overview videos highlight the benefits of your service by showing, not telling and build confidence by reducing any perceived risks. Product overview videos help to make the buying decision easier for your potential customers by framing their existing problems and emphasising how your service makes it better. These service and product videos can be uploaded and posted anywhere to help your marketing efforts including your social media, blog posts to drive internet traffic, email campaigns and on your website.

Event Videos

Event videos are a great way to highlight the most important and valuable information to your target market. You can use these to leverage your content marketing using purposeful and digestible event highlights that can be used as promotional videos to get new clients or existing clients to return.

200+ Reviews 5/5 Rating

"Produced a film beyond my expectations"

"In a fast changing digital landscape, this is exactly what you want"

"Slick, Creative and Professional"

"Had an immediate understanding of what was needed"

"I am so glad I chose to outsource this"

Video Editing

We assist you in editing your video project to ensure that it is the right length for various platforms including social media, blogs and email. From making sure that the right footage is included, the sound from the microphones is loud enough, any music that needs to be added and it follows your brand guidelines, we take pride in delivering you quality online videos to captivate your audience.

Post-Production Services

After filming and producing the videos, there are extensive post-production services that make sure that the video aligns with your brand and marketing strategy.


Chat with our Video Production Agency

At Ridge Films, we provide quality video production services to Hobart, helping businesses to clearly and easily connect with their potential customers and audience. We assist in the pre-production, filming, video editing and post-production implementation and measuring to ensure that you are getting the right ROI

Chat with our video production Hobart team today!  

Complete the form and we will schedule a chat at the most convenient time for you.

Our services are used by some of Australia’s top brands! 


Differentiation Matters - Learn Sales, Automation, And Video Strategies

Designed To Take Your Business To The Next Level. Unlock The Secrets To Irresistible Sales Videos!


1300 474 343

Ridge Films Corporate Pty Ltd

[email protected]

PO Box 769 Marrickville
NSW 1475