Nailing Live Video to Become a Content Repurposing Master with Rebecca Saunders

Nailing Live Video to Become a Content Repurposing Master with Rebecca Saunders Part 2 (Episode 48)

video marketing podcast Mar 10, 2021

Deep dive into the in-depth and detailed world of live video events in this part TWO of the interview of Chris Schwager (Video Marketer from Ridge Films) with Rebecca Saunders (Strategic Video Expert from Pyrmont Studio).  Learn the value of running live virtual events and recording them polished before you repurpose that content. And listen to the Q & A by Brendan Southall.

"There are so many variables in an event regardless if it's an in-person event or not. The key thing is to have someone who can guide you all the way. But if the provider that you've engaged doesn't give you confidence, they're not your people. I think you need to be able to walk into a live session, feeling confident that someone's got you."

Here’s what you can learn from the episode:

  • Repurposing live video content
  • Q&A - Importance of strategy
  • Forecast for 2021 & 2022
  • Recorded Vs Live



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