AI Video Scripting Success with ChatGPT

AI Video Scripting Success with ChatGPT (Episode 177)

video marketing podcast Apr 23, 2024

Embark on an exhilarating voyage into the dynamic world of video production with Chris Schwager, the innovative mind behind Ridge Films. Join him in this immersive webinar as he unveils the transformative potential of DIY video creation and the pivotal role AI plays in crafting compelling scripts.

In this captivating session, Chris draws from his extensive experience as a seasoned video producer to illuminate the path to video production mastery. Discover the art and science behind harnessing AI tools like ChatGPT to unlock the full spectrum of storytelling possibilities, from captivating narratives to engaging scripts. Through a series of captivating discussions and practical demonstrations, Chris reveals the secrets to streamlining the video creation process.

Learn how to tailor your scripts to captivate diverse audiences across various platforms and infuse your stories with authenticity and resonance. Delve into the intricacies of script analysis and enhancement, as Chris shares real-world examples and invaluable insights garnered from years of industry expertise. Whether you're a budding filmmaker or a seasoned professional, this webinar offers a treasure trove of knowledge to revolutionize your approach to video creation. Join us on this exhilarating journey as we unravel the mysteries of DIY video production in the digital age.

Prepare to be inspired, empowered, and equipped with the tools and techniques to unleash your creativity and elevate your storytelling prowess to new heights. Don't miss your chance to embark on this transformative adventure—it's time to make your mark in the world of video production.


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CONVINCE YOUR BOSS Download our guide to help decision makers understand the importance of video marketing their business. 

RIDGE FILMS YOUTUBE Catch recent episodes of the DIY Video for Professionals podcast on our Youtube channel. Let us know what you think and feel free to like, comment, and subscribe. 

Video Transcription:

   Look, today's session's about just getting a bit of an understanding of script writing and then AI and how those two can work together in some kind of harmony. I reckon would be good for the future. There is a lot of talk. Everybody knows about AI, ChatGPT, lots of things happening very, very quickly.

   And hey, I'll jump on the bandwagon and start talking about how AI might improve your communication to the market. I think it's a very interesting time. As I reported about a couple of months back, AI was the greatest game. It was our present because it enabled us as humans to do the one thing that we notoriously do very, very badly, don't we?

   That is communicate our language, communicate our message, write emails properly, write letters and text messages without losing people's attention or focus. Chat did it really well. And it continues to do that. And I want to show you, I guess, how we are integrating AI into our script writing and messaging processes to make this a little bit easier for everybody.

   Because scripting, I've, for many, many years have been doing this professionally and it takes a long time. And just so you know, to do a good old fashioned, non related AI script yourself, or even with a colleague, takes us, and I'll say us because we're the ones writing video scripts, two hours to do a one minute finished video.

   Two hours to do a one minute finished video. So, for a 30 second personal profile script, it'll take you one hour. So, Today I'm going to give you examples of what all of this is about and what all the company profile jargon that I'm using is all about. How I can start thinking about using video in a unique way, not only in Zoom calls like I'm giving you now, but also in Beautiful polished company profile videos that you might have appearing on your website.

   I'm going to mute myself for a second. Now, just before we begin, I'll just want to let you know that I am so open to questions. I want all of your questions. I know that this is a bit of a one way webinar for the time being, but I want your feedback. And I, first of all, want you to give me a little bit of a Guide as to who I'm in the room with in terms of your level of expertise.

   So have you written a professionally produced video script before? Perhaps something for your website? Put a one into the chat and let me know. Put a one into the chat. Have you written a professionally produced video script before? before. Very, very good. Very good. Thank you, Simon. Here you go, Neil.

   Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. Now I can see you guys. So I'm going to say, was it a little bit of a tumultuous task for you? Just give me a nod this time. Neil's, Neil's give me a blank stare. He's not, he's not, he's not handing over the camera. Yes, it's, it's tough, right? It's taken us many, many years to get this right.

   And even now, it's always open to interpretation, and it always will be. So where does AI fit into that whole situation? Well, AI is always going to be interpreting it a certain way. Which means then, if you're unhappy with that interpretation, it's back to you to make sure you fix it. And that's a little bit of what I wanted to try and give you today, is like, alright, how we're doing it.

   What AI can do as a sounding board to support you, and I think it is going to be the best sounding board, it's going to be the best person, virtual person, to be able to keep things going for you. And it's not necessarily going to write the script. You know, I, I haven't seen evidence of that yet. You know, I watched a video on how to write a script using AISA.

   It's like a 17 minute YouTube video with so many steps that by the end of it, I was just a bit exhausted by the whole thing. So I've not actually seen, Oh, here you go. Here's the, here's my prompt and spit out the video scripts yet. Okay, but as AI is moving fairly quickly, I wouldn't say no, and it might be in the next three years.

   I just think again, it will always be open to interpretation. It's the amount of input and stuff that you feed into it as to what it will deliver. Now I'm going to go back to basics here and I'm going to quickly give you a bit of a table here that will help you to identify first of all, some fundamentals around writing video scripts, right?

   Starting with the problem. What problem is your video need to solve? First of all, before you even switch on the camera, before you start thinking about who's going to present it, before you start even thinking about your messaging, what problem is the video going to solve for your business? Because if you understand the problem, you can understand how you can solve that problem.

   How you can get to your desired outcome. Now, the three different pillars here are really around the buyer's journey. So awareness, education, conversion. Okay, so your buyers are going to come in at an awareness level, they're going to get to know you, they're going to want to know in your education phase, a little bit more about your product or service, why you do what you do, etc.

   And then the conversion content is all the wonderful, happy clients saying amazing things about your product or service. And they're going to be like praising you in their own way, using their own voice. And that's very hard to replicate. That is very hard to, to falsify if you like. And so that's a really great opportunity to, to.

   Put the nail in the, in the deal and make sure that they actually close, you actually close and get to the desired outcome that you're looking for. Now, everything in all the black text there, that is related to the products, the type of videos that can actually fall into those three areas. I think understanding this is really, really important because if you just go and chuck a prompt into AI, write me a script, it might be that it's not going to give you anywhere near what you're actually looking for because you haven't actually prompted it in the right way.

   Okay, so if you actually start to experiment with OpenAI, By the way, we're using ChatGPT 3. 5, all right, the free version, which I'm sure most people have access to. Just raise your hands if you're using ChatGPT on a daily basis. Ralph, come on, put your hand up, mate. He's not, right? Okay, so most of you are using ChatGPT in some capacity.

   Who's using it to write their scripts right now? Raising hands, raising hands. No, nobody. Right. Who's using it just to get an idea, say like a headline, a description for a post, maybe some website copy. Yeah, good, good, good. Right. So there's room for improvement. Like it is amazing. Even Kev and I jumping on this call earlier we're talking about, we're preparing a proposal for a client and he drafted it all up and it looked very good, but it just didn't look polished.

   So what did we do? Copy paste into ChatGPT. Tidy this up is the prompt. We, we are really slack with our prompts. I know that there's going to be a big future for writing professional prompts. And by a prompt, I mean a professionally written instruction of what you want from AI. I'm really sloppy. I'll just give it the bare minimum.

   Because again, time, time is everything in this whole process, right? If you've got to write a script and give it so many instructions to write the script, why don't you just write the script? You know, so I'm a little bit jaded, but I don't want to, I don't want to talk too soon. Cause I know that like in six months time, all this is like, you know, gone to shit and I'm like old fashioned.

   So, but I think understanding the fundamentals is still very, very important. So does your video follow? Aware, educate, convert. Okay, where does your video need to sit? Okay, you gotta ask yourself, are you satisfied with the way that you're presenting yourself and your personal brand to your market? And for four years now, people have been really struggling to clarify the way they look and sound on camera when it comes to video.

   To doing video calls and recording their own personalized videos. And there is a solution. The DIY video program helps you personalize sales, video, and emails, record professional marketing videos, look and sound amazing in every video meeting without the tech hassles. And you also get professional video editing, practical training so that you can present like a pro you don't have to do anything in that initial setup because The studio's installed for you.

   You get your coaching and training so that you can then go on and be a video professional and wipe out poor quality videos forever. Why don't you go to ridgefilms. com. au slash DIY and check it out for yourself. I'm going to show you a script template that I think is really, really important for you to understand.

   You probably at some point be able to just chuck this straight into chat and go, there you go. There's the template. Now, now contribute to it. But here is the starting point. This is a professional script template that we've been running for years, and we have, like, you've seen all the products, right, you've seen all the video products that are out there and that we produce, but then every one of those video products has a, has a script, a predefined script template that actually aligns to those products, right?

   So, if we have a look at how a script is formulated or how it starts, at a glance. At the top here, you've got about this video and you're defining four different things that you want to make sure that everybody's clear on before you begin writing the verbiage for the script. Okay. What's the goal of the video?

   Lots of people get confused about that question and they think it's, Oh, to build trust. Well, yes, that's the function of video, but it may not be the specific goal for the viewer. And the goal is kind of aligned a little bit to the call to action. Goal could be, I want people to call up and fill in my form or to walk in the door or to download this or whatever, right?

   So it's kind of a bit of a call to action, but they need all the information so that they can actually get to that goal, right? So it's important that you understand what are the essential items that we need to formulate to be able to get them to the goal. Now you don't write that here, you write it into your key messages.

   Key messages, when you're drafting these up in a bullet point like fashion, you want to keep it so tight. You're not trying to write the script at this point, just write the bullet points. Okay, so been around since 2014. Only company in Australia that does XYZ. We're geographically located here. The three top services are these, okay, just, just the essential items because you want to be able to review these later at a glance and go, cool, have we, have we ticked off everything that we wanted to tick off in this video?

   Are they all included in some way? Not in necessarily a chronological order, but are they included in there? They could be even as visuals, they could. Actually end up, you know, like a map. If you said geographically, we're all over the country. You may not need to actually say that verbally. You'd actually show a graph and all the dots all over the country.

   And that would be enough for people to understand that, Hey, you guys are big, right? Now let's move on to where your videos will live. Again, never talked about. This is just not talked about enough. Where does your videos live? Like if this is a company profile video, which it is, this is a template for a company profile video.

   This is a witness. Product, right? This is not meant to give them testimonials, give the client all this information deep on your product or your service or your brand. This is very surface based overview style stuff. So for you to just say, Oh, well, it's just on the website, isn't it? Isn't that where it just lives is definitely diminishing returns on your investment for producing a video like this. You are going to pour some kind of money time and resourcing into producing a professional video like this, then make sure that you diversify that and you get it across multiple areas. Okay. So where could a video like a company profile, and I'll show, I'm going to show you an example of, or 10 seconds of an example later on. So stick around. Where do your, do your videos live, right? Yes. Website for sure. But blogs, social media, you can have it on your email signatures. You can have it on your about page. Now, I'm not saying the same video, but if you're just building one video as part of your journey, then perhaps you do that for the time being until you start to build the essential micro touch points that keep coming up so that when people go across their journey through awareness, educate, convert, they're getting these micro touch points, these video assets along the way, and they feel well guided through their journey. And it needs to be in a nonlinear. Fashion. Assume, don't assume that anybody that's going to hit your homepage, for instance, they're even going to watch your company profile video, but you might find that they'll land on a specific page and consume a education video or a testimonial video. They might circle back and then go to your awareness company. They might've found you through a, from a LinkedIn ad, who knows, right? So you've got to just assume that they're dropping in. wherever they drop in and that you've got to be there in a visual sense to be able to support them and articulate and communicate clearly without dropping the ball, without losing them, without taking them down a three minute waffley video that sort of never seems to end and doesn't really have a strong, strong point to it, strong goal behind it. The final thing here is understanding who your audience is. Again, just not talked about very often. I ask these questions at the start of every professional scripting session and often these are the things that people just don't know enough about yet. But often they at least brainstorm the idea and entertain the idea and come up with at least one person that is their ideal client. And sometimes they have two. If they have many, it starts to compromise a little bit on The script and the integrity of the script because you start finding that it becomes harder to write because you're trying to meet the language of all these different people at once, right? So just be mindful if you're just talking to one or two people that is, that is far, far easier to manage as you start to go through your script writing phase.

   And speaking of script writing phases. Here it is. So this is actually where you write your stuff. Now, obviously this is pre populated here to give you a bit of a starting point, a bit of a guide, if you like, on how to write a script properly. And if we look on the right hand side we've got our audio. side. So what is heard in the video and on the left hand side, what is seen in the video. So if we start on the right and I'll, I won't go through this in, in all the details, but it's trying to confine you to a certain amount of words within each of these topic points so that you don't derail your messaging.

   So you don't spend the first minute of your video talking about yourself and not enough. actually identifying, empathizing with the people that you're actually talking to. So this is a way to try and keep you on on track, right? Now I'm showing you everything that we've built over 22 years of being in the business.

   But if we now start to look at how this would translate, this is the company profile video of a financial services firm from 2018, I think, and you can see how it ended up. Okay. So visuals on the right. Sorry audio on the right and visuals on the left, okay? So we can see Craig is introducing the company on the left.

   We want to see, you know, them walking into the office. His, his title come up on the side. And then it kind of moves in and we start to see the credibility and the awards that they've won. And all that sort of stuff. So this kind of gives you a good black and white picture. Look at what the video will be.

   Now, the reason why I love script writing and I love the process is because it gives everybody clarity. Okay, so if there's several stakeholders involved in building a video, then before anybody starts to call in a video production team and all of that you've got a black and white document contract, if you like.

   It's like a contract. It's what's seen and heard all lines up. This is what it is. And there should be nothing left for interpretation in that script. So there should be no one going, Oh, what's why haven't you included this? Or what's, why isn't that in it? Cause it should all be laid out in front of them.

   And we've even included those images, even though it's not imperative, including those images in there as well. And that's kind of like the early beginnings of what's called a storyboard, right? Where you would start to use visuals in a sort of still imagery perspective on the left, just to kind of guide people's attention so that they understand.

   And that can kind of, you know, obviously people respond really well to, to imagery and not so much to all the, just the black and white text all the time. So sometimes from time to time, we'll just drop an image in there. This is a Google doc, right? Meaning. If you've got several parties involved in this process of reviewing, of looking at scripts, what you're avoiding by having a Google shared document that people can collaborate on collectively means that you don't have emails and versions.

   Of scripts going back and flying here, there and everywhere that leads to complications. And I believe in one unified source of truth in one document, people access it. You can create permissions in Google Docs so that they can come in and out as they see fit. And it's, it's all harnessed in one area. And for me to find this doc, I've actually gone through.

   And just did a quick search and found this, this this morning, and I also searched and found the starting point for this, which was really, which was kind of nice for me to understand where, where did this, how did this script actually evolve? So I went back, I'll just pull up the the draft here. And this is an early draft, right?

   Of, of how this, this script actually came about. And I just want you to pay particular attention to the, to the gray stuff on the left here, because this is where we dumped, it looks like a whole bunch of website copy, right? And you can kind of read through it. There's a couple of things that you just clearly say, well, there's no way this is fit for a video.

   You know, NAV wealth clients enjoy life and are successful. Like you, you just. You just wouldn't put that in because it's, it's not conversational. It's not connecting with anybody on a human level. You know, it's, it's pretty rough, right? But it is a starting point. And back in 2017, what we had to do is we had to kind of like make this work cause there was no AI.

   But what I did this morning was I went, Oh, this is kind of an interesting exercise. I'll chuck this into chat. All of the copy that we'd, we'd created we'd started with. And my prompt was very vague, right? Write a 30 second company profile video script highlighting the key messages from below. It was pretty quick.

   So dumped all the, all the script and here it is. Opening shot, a panoramic view of Sydney's lower North shore. And then narrator comes in. Welcome to NavWealth, where your financial future, dah, dah, dah, dah, right? And it's what it's done is it's included. your visuals and the auditory in the one doc, which, which I find harder to read.

   Like it, it's. Yeah, it's not my favorite layout. However, I did go down and say, I'll put this into a table now. And it seemed to do it, but I, I, here, if we just scroll down here, put it into a table and it started to do that. And I was like, okay, cool. I haven't got time to piss far around here. I'll just get out of here.

   But you can see the early beginnings of being able to really get this mapped that through correctly on the weekend. I wrote a script from a transcript of an old document and I put that into chat and it was impressive what it started with. But then I went back and forth over several hours with chat, and I found that chat was kind of good at, at finding new words and new, new ways of saying things.

   So it was this beautiful collaboration that I found with, with them with, with chat as to kind of looking at different perspectives, but it wouldn't necessarily. do it any quicker. It certainly wasn't quicker, but it was just a great exercise to go through. And I might mention all of the things that I to related to my workspace here is all a voice and translating my voice into text.

   You know, I've written so much copy for the website, headlines, descriptions, all sorts of stuff, using my smartphone, using ChatGPT and speaking to it so that it can, it can speak back to me. And even if I don't, if it doesn't read well, you know, it's not interpreted my voice well, it's actually doing a bloody good job at.

   at talking to me and talking back to me. I found that probably one of the fastest exercises for not so much creating video scripts, but certainly creating a copy for the website and whatever. That was really good because I was free flowing. I was walking at the time and I was free flowing. The energy's, energy's high.

   And it was actually doing a really good job at giving me ideas and new, new concepts. And I would highly recommend if you're not using voice, then start using it because you don't need to be grammatically arranged in the way that you're putting stuff together. It can just be this brain dump. And I just found that that that has been a really useful tool for me to just go there and speak to it rather than trying to like I saw Kev this morning giving instructions to AI, I know that I could have done in twice the time because he was hand he was typewriting it in and not just using his voice to tell him what he needed to tell him.

   So obviously the accuracy of. Prompts, yes, is a consideration, but a lot of the time it'll do a pretty good job with you just hacking at it as well. So let's look at the result of what chat, well actually not chat, let's look at the result of the company profile video that I mentioned earlier and give you guys an idea of how that video ended up with.

   Get it to how I'm happy with it. You know, it's like, that's AI's version and I've got to get, we've got to somehow meet in the middle and actually make this work. You gotta ask yourself, are you satisfied with the way that you're presenting yourself and your personal brand to your market? And for four years now, people have been really struggling to clarify the way they look and sound on camera when it comes to marketing. To doing video calls and recording their own personalized videos. And there is a solution. The DIY video program helps you personalize sales, video, and emails, record professional marketing videos, look and sound amazing. And every video meeting without the tech hassles. And you also get professional video editing, practical training so that you can present like a pro.

   You don't have to do anything in that initial setup because. The studio is installed for you. You get your coaching and training so that you can then go on and be a video professional and wipe out poor quality videos forever. Why don't you go to ridgefilms. com. au slash DIY and check it out for yourself.

   Now I've gonna cross to Hugo, who's going to field some questions. DIY clients in a second. Pop him into the chat. Now, because I want to see where I can support you guys further, we do want to wrap up on time here at 12. 30. So just so that you guys get away to lunch and while that's happening. I just wanted to give you a couple of things that you can take away today.

   I believe they're really important for you in your endeavours to produce more video scripts. So keep it short. If you keep it short, you're going to minimise the time that you're going to spend. Remember, I said an hour per 30 seconds. Just aim for a 30 second video to start. You know, don't try and write a frigging monologue.

   It's going to take you hours and hours and hours. Okay. That's, that's reality. Or you can certainly put some dot points in and just go for a take with some dot points that can work too. I know that Neil would be very good at that. Great off the cuff. The next point is AI is just the best sounding board right now.

   And it's free. It costs you nothing. You know, just dump your stuff in there and go tidy this up. Read this back to me. How do you interpret this? Is this clear? These are the types of prompts that I'm using. Is this clear? And it's going, yes, yes, Mr. Schwager. It's actually great. Like, you know, here's a couple of improvements.

   I'm like, Hey, I love it. It's all about improvements. I don't want people to just float in my boat all the time. I want them, I want, I want to make sure how we can Do better, right? Read out loud to a human. I haven't mentioned this, but this is really important when you write your script and you're so pumped and happy with your script.

   You need to read it to a real life human who actually say that it's shit and that they don't understand it. Oh my God. The first example I had of this was with a financial firm who, who just transferred PDF. What? Papers and into a video script and just decided to hand it to me. And I was like, this is not, this is, I'm not even going to look at this.

   This is ridiculous. Right. And needs to be read so that people can understand the simplicity of the verbiage without that, that's how people are consuming the video content. That's how they need to hear it. They need to hear that it's, that it's in a language that is easy, smooth, silky, and doesn't get too bogged down in a certain area and lose people.

   Okay. Human brain is a wild thing and needs constant stimulation. All right. So you need to keep, keep thinking about that. Ask yourself, what problem does the video need to solve? To solve, right, right. Like you're at a barbecue, be so conversational, be so loose. Chat will do a pretty good job at writing content, but you need to instruct it.

   Be more conversational, be loose, be easy. You know, because if it's coming back with kind of potentially this corporatized version of what you want, what you're trying to. do that can be non constructive there. You need to kind of go give me more easy, relax, make it flow. I think I pressed my point there and use Google docs for, for writing use voice to text.

   It's a hugely big time saving activity. Now, quick plug. If you want more information, we run group workshops to ignite your videos, superpower, and that QR code, I'll leave it up just for 30 seconds. Scan it now, and you'll do a quick two minute assessment as to whether you qualify for video coaching, and it will be a great starting point because it'll get you to understand all of the facets of video production, not just script writing and AI, but all of the other elements that you really need to start considering in your video journey, right?

   And so scan that code now and you will you'll be better for it. There's no obligation. Sean. Sean's giving me a little ticker, you can't see it. Sean. You know, I'll send it, I, it's, everybody else is okay, right? But Sean, you can scan the code. Yeah. Okay. So I'll get to you in a sec. All right. So yeah, a couple of couple of things.

   We get a couple of coaching calls every month group coaching calls and also access to our online portal and access to me really through voice recorded messages. So really great and get into it now over to Hugo, my man, what's the questions that we've got before we wrap up? Oh, hi. So Derek's, Derek's recommended Gemini and Simon recommended Blazor.

   Jason, who's had to leave, recommended you. But if, if we sort of distill that into a question, have you tried the other AI tools and which one do you find best for what purpose? I have very, very quickly, very quickly. And, and I probably assumed even by now and by next week, there'll be something else.

   Would you agree? I mean, like it's, it's moving quick. Right. I did play with. An AI tool this week, and I didn't get to the result that I needed particularly quick. And there was a lot of instructions and a lot of things that needed to happen. And I guess because I have the experience and old school script templates and all that sort of stuff, it was just.

   I didn't really want to invest any further time on it. And I think that's probably a little bit of this space right now. I mean, I've had people talk to me about investing in this, that and the other. And it's, I just want people to, I just want others to do the exploring and to do the to go through the process and to show me the result before I invest in it.

   If you guys have already swearing by these AI companions and whatnot then, then great. You know, I think this is really important. Not only in in us been able to to advise others, but also our ability to build more of a community around this to support people through these, these types of things, which are notoriously difficult for people to do.

   So, yeah, the this one, not one specific Hugo but I, because I can't remember it, but I just typed in, Hey, AI scripting apps and, and just thought, okay, yeah. Yeah. I've still got a lot of things I've got to do and a lot of input I need to make, to make this work. One of the things I find with AI is it just fills up, you know, it might have two points and it will make two paragraphs out of them with just a whole lot of useless words, which is like the opposite of a good script.

   Yeah, look, I'm gonna, I know that there's some guys in there kind of probably have more information on this. I'll give you, and I'm more than happy to open it up to you guys if you're interested in contributing to this conversation. I Have one simple prompt for those situations you go shorter and I'll just keep going shorter, shorter, shorter until it gets to the length that I'm looking at.

   I won't even read it. I just want it to look the right length before I'll take a look at it. And then if I need to, I'll go back through the previous versions and I'll go, okay, is there anything there that I might be missing that, that has been dumped as a result of me trying to tighten the script up.

   But yeah, I mean, look, look, other prompts would be around things like, you know, Keep it to 90 words. I haven't. It's not been that successful for me doing that. I've, I've, I've asked it for character counts and things like that and it's not been accurate. And I'm sure chat 4 point or whatever it's going to be at, at some point will be will be the will be more accurate.

   But for free version, it's doing a pretty good job, but yeah, you just got to kind of persist with a little bit and look, how long does it take to go shorter? You know, it's a millisecond, right? And, and it might just be the difference between you actually getting the result. That you're looking for rather than, yeah, as I say, trying to, trying to compromise with it and say, oh, it's given me four paragraphs and now I've got to try and sift through to how, how to try and refine that further.

   Your little slide, you had six tips. I can't remember what they were. I'm sorry. But in my experience, if you try and give chat GPT at least more than maybe three or four things, it's going to forget. It can't address six requirements. Yeah. It's Have you worked out how to refine it down to just give it the point of things?

   It's, it's interesting, isn't it? Like it's almost an analogy for for real life, isn't it? If you give you somebody, if you get a human six things, they'll forget the first one. Right. So no, I stick to one thing at a time and I'd just be very clear on it. And I'll even start a new topic to, to make sure that it.

   Sort of like forgets everything that we've been doing and is starting on a new, on a new point. But yeah, that, that's where it becomes, time consuming where you're trying to get it to do one thing and it's not. And so I think that's that's something that again, it has probably already improved and maybe that that the future is, is providing, you know, more accuracy and, and more connectedness through the human, you know, input that it gets as to trying to define things like perception to try and. understand more about you as, as the instructor, instructor behind it. So that it's just, you know, over time providing a far more accurate deliverable.