Get Coached - What's The Best Video CTA? (Episode 68)
Aug 04, 2021
So you have a great video and it's getting tons of views, but is it driving the conversions that you were expecting? Directing your viewers to a clear next step is the key to strategic video marketing.
Welcome to 'Get Coached', the Video Marketing Legend podcast segment where you submit your video marketing questions and Chris will help coach you through them.
In this episode, Chris Schwager, Video Marketer from Ridge Films, will coach you through crafting the best video CTA to use for your video. Learn how to choose the best video CTA that will help guide your audience in their journey and ultimately impact the conversion of your video and yield positive ROI for your video marketing.
The right call to action is strong, compelling, and generates the results that you're aiming for, but be repetitious with your CTA so that it's memorable to the people you're trying to reach.
If you're trying to solve the mystery of video marketing your business... what has you feeling overwhelmed?
Or download our guide, because we’re always helping the business community become better video marketers.
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Video Transcription:
Welcome to Get Coached the video marketing legend podcast segment where you submit your video marketing questions at ridgefilms.com.au/question, and I'll help coach you through them. By listening in each week you'll learn how each video marketing problem is solved, giving you the knowledge that will make your videos more valuable. And so you come across as a true business professional on the open market.
I'm your host, Chris Schwager.
And today's Get Coached question was submitted at ridgefilms.com.au/question. And it's from Harvey. And what Harvey who manages a law firm wants to know is what's the best video CTA to use? And this is a good question. Because if you're investing in videos, you're really investing in people taking action, whether that's to think about something to feel something in your video or to do something as a result of watching a video. Okay, so Harvey, here's what you need to know.
First, the best CTA is the one that gets people to take action.
Everyone else is clear on what a CTA stands for, it's a call to action. It's virtually on every radio, TV ad billboard online, pretty much everywhere you look, you'll see some form of call to action in there. And that might be a URL. So a website that might be "Hey, come into our store, it might be phone us might be book appointment today.
When we're producing videos for clients, we always start with Well, what's the goal of the video and by understanding what the goal of the video so what the business really wants the audience to do, as a result of watching the video, we're really then come up with what the best call to action is.
It's one of the first things that we identify in that scripting session. And it's a singular action, you want people to take a single simple action, if you give them too many calls to action, you start to give them decision fatigue, it's a bit of a information overload. And it will ultimately just get lost in the I don't know if you've ever heard this in podcast, for instance, at the end of podcast, when somebody is being interviewed, it's like, well, how do people find you and they're like, Oh, you can hit my website, you can go to the URL, you can contact me on email, you can get me. And it's like, I would argue that most of that is just noise to the listener, they're really not going to take all those different forms of call to action in there, probably it's all just going to get lost.
So make it nice and simple. There's really two forms, I think of call to actions as a passive action, which is, for instance, maybe having a logo, your company logo at the end of the video with really nothing said, and there's a more of an aggressive approach. So it may be a verbal, so contact us today really does depend on the type of video that you're putting out to the market. So company testimonial video, for instance, on our homepage, doesn't have a call to action, you know, it's just a series of people or advocating on our behalf, we think that is more powerful than having a direct call to action, of course, the logo is at the end. So we think that's enough. And it's never really bothered us to do any more. And of course, that primarily sits on the Ridge Films website.
I think what I'm talking about is a lot to do with context, you know, like, Where's your video actually living. And I think that is relative to what the call to action is. And, you know, there are several ways you can put a call to action on a video, you know, it can be text and image, it can be verbally inside the video itself, or it can be dynamic. And so if you have a look at most of the videos on the Well, in fact, I think all of the videos on the Ridge Films website, or have a dynamic call to action at the end of the video and actually anywhere in the video, but we usually put it at the end and hyperlink from that to some other area on the website or into the contact page, for instance. So that might be Hey, contact us today or it might be inquire now, these are the types of things that might happen after we've produced the video. So there are so many different ways to do it, we've found that's always a really great way to do it.
If you don't include it in the video, you don't have time to include the video, then include it dynamically in the player itself afterwards. Because then you start to accumulate some data around that now that's cool, right? Because then you can actually say, Well, what percentage of people that have watched the video versus how many of them actually have clicked through to the action within the player itself. So that's pretty fancy pantsy getting insights like that is a really powerful, powerful tool.
There are situations where people do have the wrong CTA, click the button below to schedule an appointment with me. And then there's no button there, for instance, I mean, that would be just annoying, right. And maybe that video was intended to be on a landing page where there was a button there but then they relocated it and then now therefore the video doesn't actually it's not relevant. There is no button there.
So I had an example today where I had a client who had a gear click the button below to schedule an appointment with me We've just made sure that because we're doing this as a forethought to producing the video, we're doing it in the script, we're making sure that we have an alternate video that would be used for say LinkedIn on his LinkedIn personal profile, then we would swap that out and say, instead of say, Hi, click below, click the button below to schedule an appointment would be DM me to schedule an appointment now. So those variations, I think, is important to make sure that you're not confusing any further with your call to actions. And it's nice and simple and easy to understand.
Virtually every video that I ever see has some kind of call to action. Now, that might just be a logo. And I think that is sometimes in some cases enough. We have a client, a charity organisation, we're producing some amazing story driven videos for them that really in a lot of cases does not have a home. So come into the Gidget foundation today we don't have any of that, right, we want it to be gentle, we want it to be really beautiful. We want them people to have an emotive attachment to the video.
So therefore it's just their company logo that pops up in and that's powerful. You know, that is really powerful when we started doing that. For companies like the Gidget foundation and others, we realised how beautiful that was that it was just a simple logo that could appear at the end of the video. And we did that we've been doing that for many years, there's something classy about having just a simple logo without all the other junk, like the URL and the bloody phone number and email addresses and all that other stuff on that just having a nice simple clean logo can sometimes just be enough could save you time, particularly if you've got a short video could be really good. Our social medias, for instance, sometimes just have a text base call to action. And that really is enough.
And there's nothing wrong with having call to actions on your videos. It's really your duty to help people take action. Don't be disappointed. If you produce a video and nothing happens. Right and you don't get the clicks that you want. It's just the nature of video. It's a long tail effect. It will go on your test and measure you'll try new things the right call to action is strong, compelling, a generates the results that you're aiming for. But you've got to be repetitious. It's got to be memorable. There's got to be good recall. So people remember you and just before we wrap up this week, here's my pre CTA.
If you want to learn how to convince decision makers in your business, getting the most out of their video marketing, go to ridgefilms.com.au/boss and download our guide. We're always helping the business community become better video marketers. So go to ridgefilms.com.au/boss and download we'd love to help you convince your boss and
Harvey thank you so much for asking your question. We know that video marketing can seem overwhelming knowing what's the best video CTA to use, but if you use this method I've coached you through you'll be able to craft a concise, consistent and compelling video CTA that will help guide your audience in their journey and ultimately impact the conversion of your video and yield a positive ROI for your video marketing.
I'm sure this is going to give you peace of mind and really help with what you're looking for in the first place. Something to help you when crafting the best CTA for your videos. And for everybody else out there trying to solve the mystery of video marketing your business what has you feeling overwhelmed? On Get Coached we are here to help coach you through it. Just submit your video marketing question to ridgefilms.com.au/question for your chance to get coached by me. Just go to ridgefilms.com.au/question and see you next week.