Breaking the Monotony of Everyday Communication with Personalised Videos With Chris Schwager

Breaking the Monotony of Everyday Communication with Personalised Videos With Chris Schwager (Episode 32)

video marketing podcast Nov 05, 2020

Everyone likes to feel special. Imagine a personalised video as a gift with your name on it. How can you resist taking a look inside?

In this ‘Video Marketing Legend’ (Quickie), Chris Schwager (Video Marketer from Ridge Films)  will help you discover how to communicate effectively and break the monotony of everyday communications with the use of personalised videos.  Find out why putting extra effort by adding personalised videos into your sales process has been a high-success tactic. Videos like this lead to positive results and makes you stand out from your competitors and ultimately show you care in this heavily-automated world we’re living in.

Here’s what you can learn from the episode:

  • Why adding personalised videos in your sales process will make you stand out from your competitor
  • The game-changer for Ridge Films in creating personalised videos with ease, speed, and scale



Links and Resources:

  • Connect and follow me on LinkedIn and let me know you’ve heard the podcast
  • Learn how to produce quality videos with ease, speed, and scale with our DIY Video Program
  • Register for our video marketing workshop to learn how to leverage engaging videos for your company’s website, social and offline channels.

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