LinkedIn Prospecting 101 With The Legendary Nathanial Bibby Part 2

LinkedIn Prospecting 101 With The Legendary Nathanial Bibby Part 2 (Episode 88)

video marketing podcast Dec 22, 2021

Nathanial Bibby: It's more important than ever not to come across as a salesperson if you want to get customers. It's about looking professional and ensuring credibility. People need to know what you do. If your headline and your company name and your profile photos are that good that people are curious enough to click on your name and read your profile to find out why you do that, that's cool. But if people are looking for something specific, and then they're looking in their network for video marketing agency, it's good to have it in your headline. But other than that, I would keep it very professional, like the things are changing on LinkedIn. I think you want to make sure that first things first, if you are on there to get customers, make sure it doesn't look like a salesperson.

Welcome to 'Video Made Simple' video podcast featuring marketers, entrepreneurs & clients who help take the mystery out of video and break through the monotony of day-to-day communication.

In this Part 2 interview of Chris Schwager (Video Marketer from Ridge Films) with Nathanial Bibby (Founder and Managing Director of Bibby Consulting Group), they are joined by Brendan Southall (Video Marketer from  Ridge Films) as they explore more about the rules at play on LinkedIn. 

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Chris Schwager 0:01

Welcome back to the Video Made Simple podcast part two with Nathanial Bibby, he is an absolute Rockstar if you've missed part one, here's a sneak peek.

Nathanial Bibby 0:12

Videos are shared 20 times more than any other type of content, but it doesn't just mean that you can sit there and do a video and it's gonna do well, it's got to be good, you've got to like you got to know what you're doing. And it is his whole new skill set, as you know, being able to, you know, get in front of camera and hold people's attention, get them to remember the content, what you're saying, having it edited properly, lighting, audio, all those sort of things are a skill and are important, you can't just expect to to hop in front of the camera and say, Hi, here I am on my way to a meeting and all of a sudden your business is gonna go crazy. Like you've got to have some sort of strategy, and it's going to take some time for you to get good at it.

Chris Schwager 0:50

And now here's part two of Nathanial Bibby.

What about profiles, because people I don't think really understand the power of the profile and the importance of having that straightened out, you know, LinkedIn, yeah, integrated video into your profile, which we were all over immediately and kind of pushed our thing out there and told everyone should be doing this, you know, but you know, let's go for a commonly used title in the top of the profile where an individual might use "entrepreneur, content creator, inspiring keynote speaker." Like, are these just like the worst thing to include in? Or is, you know, is that is that the thing to do? Because I noticed you don't do it.

Nathanial Bibby 1:36

The rocket ships get me in, the emoji rocket ships in the headline? I'm like, Ah, come on dude, I'm sorry, I apologize anyways,

Chris Schwager 1:46

we get results.

Nathanial Bibby 1:49

But like, there was a time when I was like, yeah, like, if you put keywords in your headline, your rank at the top, and you'll get rank well on Google as well, these days, because everyone's doing it. Like, it's more important than ever, not to come across as a salesperson if you want to get customers. So it's about looking professional, and showing credibility. I mean, people need to know what you do, like, you know, if your headline and your company name and your profile photos are that good that people are curious enough to click on your name and read your profile to find out what you do, then that's cool. Like if you're you know, really important that you know, that'll work. To evoke curiosity is great. But if people are looking for like something specific, you know, and then they're looking in their network for video marketing agency, like it's good to have it in your in your headline. But other than that, I would keep it very professional, like the things are changing on LinkedIn, because there's so many people that are you know, salespeople on there now spending all their time working out how to prospect, I think you want to make sure that first things first, if you are on there to get customers, make sure it doesn't look like a salesperson.

Chris Schwager 2:48

Yeah, and I guess hence why I've got sunglasses and whatever else on and that's on, I'm gonna say that. That's not the ideal thing. But on that, how important is it to get that image, right, like, obviously, there's things that look like somebody just quickly pulled it off their iPhone and chucked it up there. And of course, now video is kind of changed the paradigm again. If you can't present yourself on video, you to a certain degree missing that opportunity. Tell me more? What do you think is the right way to present yourself?

Nathanial Bibby 3:16

Well, I mean, the thing is, like, you know, there could be a textbook right way, but if everyone did it, then it wouldn't be very effective. So like, it is important to be unique. But I think you know, it just has to come back to your brand. Like, what is your brand? How are you going to show up when you are speaking in front of people when you go to meetings, when you're on Zoom calls? And then you want to amplify that on social media, but clients say to me, "Oh, Nathanial, I notice you're wearing a t shirt in your LinkedIn profile photo. Is that good? Should I redo my profile photo in a T shirt instead of the shirt?" And I was like, well, no. Because I'm thinking you know, shirts probably better but it's just like it is in line with my brand. And I think like being unique and you know you with a Sonny's like is really cool, but like not just be unique for the sake of it. And you've got Sonny's on here and over there, you're professional and being unique and having some sort of cohesive strategy as it (Yes.) And the idea being with the personal brand is so that what will resonate with people is is what they can relate to, on a personal level. Like if your business talk and you got the corporate shot with a white wall behind you, there's no personality, people aren't going to remember looking at your profile, probably not. Like if you show some personality, like you know, you tell them what you do, but you maybe put in a couple of like little anecdotes about your dog or you know, a bit of vulnerability about why you got into the business. Show a bit of your personality in the photograph. Any of those things just make people go oh, yeah, remember that guy, maybe even I like that guy. But whatever. It's uniquely you and makes you special makes you easy to remember. And I think that's the most important thing is just working out what your brand is, and not basing it on "Oh Nathanial's got his t-shirt on so I'm going to do that. Yeah, yes.

Chris Schwager 4:53

Looking at what's trending. So what are the common mistakes people make with their LinkedIn profile?

Nathanial Bibby 4:57

They're using it to get customers like a lot of time that they've just got their profile set up as a CV, which, you know, is a big mistake. So you just got to think about, okay, what am I using LinkedIn for? Who do I want to look at my profile, that whole nother strategy for getting them there in the first place? But then when they get to the profile, what do I want them to do? What are they going to be thinking or feeling and skeptical about when they get to the profile. So just like a website, you just want to like, move them through that conversion journey as smoothly as possible. So if somebody is like, looking for a accountant, and you know, the first thing in your profile is, you know, I'm from Canada, and I moved to Yeah, you know, Perth, like 12 years ago, and they're not gonna be interested in that. So it's gonna be like, you know, straightaway, like, you know, you frustrated with your (Yes) bookkeeping, or whatever it is, and then tell them what to do next, like just that little thing of telling them what to do next will mean that your profile converts, because a lot of profiles are looking to get like a few 100 views. And they don't get any messages. They're like, if people look at my profile, but nothing happens, that's a big problem. Because your profiles, the conversion, that's where you get the conversions. (Yes) All the other stuff is just to get people to go to your profile, all of the content, and messaging is all just to get people to come to your profile. But that's where you have the permission there to explain what you do, and what people should do next. Because if people are reading your profile, they're asking for that information.

The mistake that a lot of people do is that on their profile, like they just talk all about themselves, they don't think about the person is looking at it. And then when they post their content, they're like, oh, and go to my website and call me like and doing all that there in their videos and stuff, rather than just adding value, creating curiosity, getting people to come to the profile, and then guiding them through the customer journey. And then after that, you just got to build credibility, like people are so trust centric online, these days, people have been ripped off left, right and center. Like, if you're a marketing, I'd be amazed if you can find a business that hasn't had a bad experience investing in marketing already. So they're like, is this guy somebody who's going to take for me? Or is this guy actually going to help me? So it's really important that if you haven't worked with, you know, 500 businesses, have generated $4 million in sales? What have you got that you can draw focus to so that they're not left wondering, like, if you've only worked with three clients, like, okay, let's get crystal clear on what you did for them. So, okay, so like, this client, we doubled the revenue for and he was able to go and do this and draw attention to that, rather than trying to make yourself sound more important than you actually are talking about actual tangible results, because everybody says, "we'll increase your revenue, we'll, you know, transform your business," the people that are doing that are writing the same things are the people that are making it up and don't know what they're doing? So how are you going to separate yourself?

And then get recommendations, put video content on their videos, so important, like really makes you stand out like, it's fine, I'm speaking to a new prospect. They've like come across my website, for example, the conversation goes is okay, but if they've just watched one video, they just say, "Oh, I just spent the last 15 minutes watching a video on your LinkedIn profile," the conversation is so much easier, they just see you as an authority already, they're not as skeptical. It makes a huge difference. So you just want to put that information in front of people, but at the right stage of the customer journey. And when they've clicked on your name to look at your profile, that's the right stage because they've asked for the information, or they've Googled your name and I've ended up at LinkedIn. At that point, like they've asked for the information. It's an inbound activity when they're at your profile. It's not you pushing it on them as an outbound activity in your content. So it's about the customer journey and making sure that when they get to your profile that you're doing the right things of converting them to the next stage. In your website's no different. So people say to me, right, people say, "Oh, I've got this video on my website. Isn't it great? Should I post on social media?" And I said, No, I like that videos. I'm gonna work on social media. And they're like, oh, you know, I paid all this money for I should get rid of this and not know, like, it's perfect for your website, you know, explaining what your products all about. But people are at that stage of the customer journey if you're posting organically yet.

Chris Schwager 8:56

There's still quite fresh, the idea of repurposing video content. We're just seeing the trend now in the last three or four years of people saying, well, I'm going to spend, you know, 5k on a 90-second video, how do we leverage and extend its lifespan? So there's more and more demand now for you know, short 15 to 20-second grabs where we break up to a 90o-second video and to short content so that they can repurpose it for social media and convert it into ads and whatever. Mr. Southall Do you have any questions that you've got?

Brendan Southall 9:20

Thank you, Mr. Schwager. So Nat? Alright, a question around duration of video content, is there an ideal time? Or is it just based on where they are in their journey and where the video lives? How does that work?

Nathanial Bibby 9:32

Yeah, parts have to do with it. I mean, it's as long as it takes for you to get the value across like shorter, there is a lot of value in clarity. You know, it's, it's so if you can do it in 30 seconds, you know, do that. But ideally, like when we're producing videos for clients, we're looking to get it between one and a half to two and a half minutes for organic posting on LinkedIn. You know, the platform works very different on YouTube. So like on YouTube, it's better to have longer content, but you just gotta remember like, at any point, whether it's the first minute or the first 10 minutes, it's boring for like, you know, even for 20-30 seconds like it's, you're going to get, just get rid of it because as soon as people stop watching, they're not going to go back and watch you know what you're saying towards the end, there's a lot of people that start posting on LinkedIn. And they're literally like, they spend the first 20 seconds explaining who they are. And you know, why they using that camera, and I don't know, getting yourselves comfortable, which, you know, if you're gonna do a video for the first time, that's cool, but just cut that shit out. Like sorry, cut that off. Before you post it sometimes with these questions and answer videos I was talking about with clients, you know, I'm interviewing them, quite often, when we post the video on the client's behalf. The questions, don't even cut it out, just go straight to them talking. You know, if it doesn't create some sort of context for the viewer, then we just cut it out. And, and we even put the hook at the start. So like, if there's a two and a half minute video for a client, just for seven seconds, they said something really cool with a bit of passion, we'll put that right at the start just to let people know what's coming just like they do on TV. You know, like on TV, they'll show you the highlights before you watch the episode. There's a lot of things to think about, you know, but I think with social media, you get started. And then every video you do just learn a bit more. And you just the more you post, the quicker you'll learn. For a few years, I've posted five times a day, but I just figured, well, if I post, like I'm learning quite a lot at the moment, but if I posted five times a day, I'm probably gonna learn a lot quicker. And I was like, well, but how am I going to have time to run a business? Well, I'm posting five times a day, like the learning begins, I have to figure it out. Right now I know how to create a lot of content without taking up all my time. But I don't know if I would have learned that if I didn't have to, you know.

Chris Schwager 11:37

So like anything. It's like building the process, right building processes, seeing what works and keeping on Exactly, yeah. So I guess, in our experience, the idea of building the process, given that they might only do something once in a blue moon is part of the challenge. That's the gap in things working and not the fact that they can't recall, dig up a way of doing things that is consistent and ensures that they have a speedy transition the next time they do it. I don't know. That's not really a question. Now just more of an observation.

We'll be back in a short moment with Nathanial Bibby. Video is everything and because

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Brendan Southall 12:54

Excellent. Thank you, Chris. Does LinkedIn only work for b2b?

Nathanial Bibby 12:57

You get really good question. Like I love that because there's like, I'll give you an example. There was a lady who's based in Singapore. She's Singaporean, but she grew up in Australia. She markets Australian real estate to people who live in Singapore. And I was catching up with her while I was there. And she said, "Oh, it's such a shame. LinkedIn only works for b2b like I would love to use it to market my real estate business, b2c. And we are having a couple of drinks. And then I said, "Well, what about this? What about if we target CEOs that live in Singapore that went to university in Australia? Yeah, they've got some ties with Australia, maybe they'll come along to one of your property seminars. And sure enough, like within a couple of days, she filled up a seminar. And she's like, "Oh, I can't take any more bookings for my seminar. All your CEO's rock up or went to university in Australia, they live in Singapore. And she started doing these seminars every month, she couldn't fill them before she was running full page ads in the in the newspaper up there. And so that's a b2c, you know, targeting. And the other thing like if you're not going to go direct to consumer, just think about, okay, well, either what businesses also work with my customers that are complementary, or distribution channels, or perhaps you want to get speaking gigs, or you want to get in, you know, PR, any of those opportunities, where it'd be helpful to get in touch with a certain industry and business title. And sometimes those opportunities can be worth a lot more, you know, like, if you're in retail, and you sell T-shirts, for example, you could get in touch with the guy, the right person that David Jones to market for your clothes through LinkedIn. So it's just about strategy. But really good question.

Brendan Southall 14:31

Everything gets sorted out after a couple of drinks, doesn't it?

Nathanial Bibby 14:34

Yeah, absolutely. Speaking is weak thing like when I do LinkedIn versus Instagram with the Instagram coach Vulinovich, like she doesn't use LinkedIn for business like a products, you know, a membership basis, about 50 bucks or 45 bucks a month. But she's like, Oh, but now that you mentioned it, all my paid speaking gigs come from LinkedIn, you know, because that's where the event managers are looking for speakers.

Brendan Southall 14:57

There's a another question around touchpoints. How many more we have, what's the number? And where are these touch points needed in order to build trust?

Nathanial Bibby 15:05

Yeah. Okay. Well, like I guess, you want the touchpoints coming your way really? Like, I mean, yeah, you don't wanna be touching them all the time. So like, if you're doing that outreach stuff, like I try and do it in one message, like I don't, I don't send three messages if people don't reply and stuff like that. I mean, maybe in a year, like all of it or something, but like, respect people's time, keep what you're asking for very succinct, and people respect that. But like, if you're, what you're asking for is not going to be valuable is not positioned in a way that's, that's valuable to the person who's sending it to, you know, sending a longer message, email, and three more messages. Like, I'm happy to test everything, like I spoke to one of the LinkedIn marketing agencies in the US. And I was like, oh, you know, what, like, I actually really liked your content. There's not many LinkedIn marketing agencies I agree aligned with, but I really love what you're doing. Yeah, let's have a chat. See what you know, obviously, user, and this came up about how many times do you send messages? And he's like, Well, we send a sequence of like, six messages to clients as like, interesting. What's your conversion rate? What's your average conversion rate? Told me the conversion rate, it's exactly the same as when I send one message, you know, like, you know, wasn't better wasn't worse. But I think, you know, like, coming back to your point where you're saying before, about, like, timing, and seeing that history of messages, like I think, you know, somebody is going to reach out in six months, do you want to be the guy that spends like setting those sales messages every month? With no response? If they are sent, like sending you messages go like hey Nathanial I really like your YouTube videos, and are commenting on your stuff. Like yet, like, yes, like, give them a love like their content and respond to their comments, is all helpful, but then you want to move them up the engagement ladder, but you have to be getting that engagement to, you know, those touchpoints, I guess, to be warranted, is such just one thought, I mean, is that there's a lot of different aspects to it, because you've got to think about where the, the prospect is, in the customer journey, I suppose.

Chris Schwager 16:58

One of the most successful things that we do, and it stirs up trouble, certainly, when I open up my LinkedIn and seal these messages, and whatnot, but we basically go after people that have either shared like, or yet well liked, shared or commented on content, and inmail them and attach the link and say, hey, thanks so much, you know, like, just a simple appreciation. And it's just amazing, the feedback that we would get on that now, we're not asking for anything, we're simply just going, Hey, we're here. And we noticed you like the content, thanks so much. And it's really interesting how that, how that plays out. You know, my business coach said, once, you know, you're on social media said so be social. And I forget that so much. You know, like, it's so so new, even now. We've been running up for so many years. But even now, I stood to remind myself, you know, this is like, get out of it, what you put in to it.

Nathanial Bibby 17:49

Like you're doing exceptional at LinkedIn, in the outreach side, the way that you approach me with the video, because it is those like, you know, very impressed, like I was, like, the way you're doing it and things like that, like you just mentioned, I can just imagine when people are listening to this, like, I wonder when do I have time to do all of that? Yes, but I cannot imagine you've done this, but like people got to remember, like, you figure out what works. And yes, like that, it might be time consuming at time. But as soon as you put it into a system, it doesn't have to be time consuming to do all of that.

Chris Schwager 18:16

It's 100%, right? Because when I really invested I sort of been in BNI and went right on all in on LinkedIn. And when I realized and I was Patil important all that at that point, and I was like, the hours that I burnt up in, in just trying to be there, you know, just not getting anything else done. And then this is only one platform, right? Not to mention the 10% of other platforms that we kind of do the, the regular little post once a week, or whatever it happens over there. But Grant said it this morning. Now, like if this is a full time job, if you can't systematize it, then you know, you're just gonna burn your day doing this.

Nathanial Bibby 18:55

If you start a business, right, and you haven't got any customers and you're sitting there at home in front of a laptop, and you're getting money for ads. And you go on Facebook, you're scrolling through the newsfeed like okay, I'll do a post, right? And then you get a couple of likes, and like, you're obviously not making any money if you can't pay your bills. So like those couple of likes are the highlight of your day, so all of a sudden, your whole business becomes about "Oh, what am I going to post today? And what likes am I going to get?" You don't even have a business like you need a bit of business and customers and a product and something to convert them to before you start getting all that that stuff? Yes, you know, yeah, really important.

Chris Schwager 19:31

Look, and that's really what came out of the Grant Cardones meeting, you know, this morning, it's like, well, yeah, if you've got nothing, what are you doing? You know, like just having chit chats with people. Like, at some point, you're gonna ask, what do you want? You know, and you got it, you know, if you've got something there from it,

Nathanial Bibby 19:45

But like I asked him, I said, you know, like, you can't measure, you know, the success of each piece of content. I know the return on investments there. He knows it's there. But when you're actually like posting each piece of content, like you can't sit there every single time you post a video and go "Well, this makes me any money?" Yeah. You know, it's got to be part of like a holistic strategy. So you go, okay, look, I've got some of these videos gonna be entertaining. Yeah, that's gonna be part of how my subscribers. And then every now and then I'm going to ask them to buy something. And if I'm, as long as my business is growing, and I'm making money, then it's working.

Chris Schwager 20:17

Is there a magic number, I guess, frequency of posting, and diversification of what you post? So, you know, text, still images, video versus article or reshare? Or something like that? Is there any kind of magic balance? Or should you just have a crack and everything?

Nathanial Bibby 20:35

Well, yeah, I think you should do what you're good at. And like what you can systemize like, obviously, like, you know, LinkedIn have said, they will give preference towards people that are posting in all different formats. Okay, a couple of years ago, I don't know if how active you were on LinkedIn then. But, you know, these guys were writing these like, posts without images without videos. And you've structured them in a certain way. And, you know, they make the sentences quite punchy to, and they would, they would go viral. And so, like, they would post those every few days. And like LinkedIn, they just, they have these meetings with the engineers, and they're like, Lee, these dudes are hacking the platform, we're gonna kick these guys off, how do we stop this from happening? And like, Okay, we'll just add this to the algorithm, like, you know, we want content creators to be doing the articles and the videos and the images, and we have a preference to them. If they're doing one type of content, then they'll get like a, I don't know, it just won't get a lot the same amount of kudos? Yes. Yeah, that's the latest. And in terms of frequency of posting, like this a couple of things. One is like, how quick Do you want to get, we're going like, you'll get more feedback, if you post quicker, if you're trying to do a high volume, and the quality of the content decreases, because it's trying to do too much. And then you're doing too much like charging yourself quality. Yeah, but with clients, like businesses, you know, the average business, I find that if we're posting twice a week, then we're able to stay on top of like, in the newsfeed for most of their audience for long enough, and then sort of like, after three or four days that the post will probably slow down a bit. And then you've got another one going to the top of the newsfeed

Chris Schwager 22:08

Avoiding the sabotage and you allowing that content to circulate. Like we've actually found that we pulled from, I think five days down to it. I think it's increasing day by day, but I think it's now around about three times a week. For that reason, you know, we don't bother posting usually, it's just a kind of a, you know, distribute it wherever we can. We don't have a preference of time of day or anything. We just kind of go Yep, cool. That's our, you know, tick, we've done that sort of thing. And with varying degrees, you know, we're not measuring like, Oh, my God, I got six likes or 100 views or whatever, we're not really measuring. We're just kind of going based off a gut feel. You know, is that is that the right thing?

Nathanial Bibby 22:46

My first big LinkedIn Heroes interview was like the fourth interview I did, and I was like, Dr. John Demartini, is coming to Melbourne. I saw that. I was like, Oh, this is the event company that's booked him. Oh, here she is on Instagram. Oh, just messaged me this like 11 o'clock at night before he was speaking in Melbourne. Anyway, she's like, Yeah, sure. Like, after he does his talk, it'll be finished around 11pm. If you're there with your camera, guys, you'll be able to get the interview with him. I'm like, what? Wow. Okay, so I've got to organize this camera crew and get there right. The next day, I'm patiently waiting for the video guy to get me the footage. And he gets it to me at like, 9pm that night or something. I was so excited. I was like "Ah, yeah, wicked posted it straight on LinkedIn." Right? wake up the next morning. It's got like, not much engagement at all. Because I posted it at night. Right? Most people got to bed. Yes. But no engagement till the morning here. And so it didn't actually get that much tension. I was like, this is the best thing ever.

Chris Schwager 23:46

Who's Demartini? Yeah, whatever.

Nathanial Bibby 23:50

When I reposted it, I think it must have been about eight months later. I did it in the morning on a Monday. So people engage on it in Australia quicker. And it just gives them that momentum to keep going for that. And it was it stayed like getting engagement for over a week. And when I did it that way. But it's very, very important lesson. Just do it in the morning where your audiences so they've got the whole day to engage with it.

Chris Schwager 24:09

Yes. Right. So is there a kind of perpetual motion if more people jump on it quicker? Does LinkedIn see it "Oh, that's trending. Yeah, we get it right."

Nathanial Bibby 24:19

Massive. That's very important. Yeah. Yeah.

Chris Schwager 24:23

Good. Good. Great story, by the way. Yeah, that's cool man. Stories. And we love Demartini man, although I do have to listen to him on half speed most of the time when he's on podcast.

Nathanial Bibby 24:39

Oh, yeah. It causes a lot to me. Oh, well,

Chris Schwager 24:43

Like a lot of these gurus. They have, you know, repeated themselves for years. And so when they get asked a question, they can kind of regurgitate, but they do it in a way that they sometimes take for granted that somebody is listening, who knows him or her and not often that's not the case. So you've got to play this kind of catch up game to try and figure out what the hell they're talking about. Yeah, I could relate to that. Yeah. And yeah, might be the case with some people that listen to this show, actually. But I look down, Mr. Southall. I'm running out of questions. Yeah. And look,

Brendan Southall 25:17

I just have one. One more.

Chris Schwager 25:19

Well, you have permission to answer.

Brendan Southall 25:21

What. is it okay? Thank you so much. So for video, can the hook be in the text to help give it context? Or does it have to be in the video clip?

Chris Schwager 25:32

Yeah, I think the text should give context. Yes. The reason that we put that little highlight at the start is just to keep people watching because I like it highlights sometimes creates curiosity. Like I've the video editors, I'd to train on how to do this. But to find a bit this like, and this was the biggest thing I've ever learned in my life, and is that you don't need to tell them what it is just put that at the start, because they'll keep watching. If you open a curiosity loop, like that's what's most important. But a context is a bit important as well, like you've got to explain, like, if it just goes to a video, and you're there talking with some woman, like "Who's that woman?" like, for example. And then you just got to think about what's going to get them to press play. Because like the, when I first started posting video content, I thought, Oh, I'm gonna write a caption to go with it, I'll just write in the caption what I said in the video, like, these are the three things to remember about posting on LinkedIn. And I write them all there. And I thought about what the hell to do what to watch a video of giving them all the information. So you know, the better way to do it is this guy, these are the three things watch the video to find out what they are. Yes. But great question. Yeah.

He's gotta. See that's why he comes on. He's got all the great question,

Nathanial Bibby 26:35

You guys know this stuff, you guys do all the right stuff.

Chris Schwager 26:39

I'm not thinking about - having said that you've offered so much value in and obviously, I've learned already from you. But I know that on this channel, the video made simple podcast, we don't really we've never really covered a lot around LinkedIn. And so I just want to say thank you so much for spending an hour with us and going over this stuff. I think it's really important that people at least have a bit of bearing on this and how video can connect as this beautiful distribution, you know, mechanism on LinkedIn and be out there visible day in day out. And I think that's underestimated in today's market.

Nathanial Bibby 27:17

Absolutely. And you're most welcome. But I think there's a lot of people in my audience that would get value from what what you do as well, like a lot of people trying to do some selves, like, you know, this is what they're looking for this what they need. There's not a lot of stuff out there it's any good.

Chris Schwager 27:30

Honestly, I'm just really happy. Thank you so much for your time. And I'm sure we're not gonna be quite as strangers on LinkedIn now. Just, I know him probably do pretty well. So and you know, perhaps one day we'll do this again, and with some new LinkedIn algorithm.

Nathanial Bibby 27:49

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I'm sure they'll be opportunities to do other things together. Thanks very much for having me. It's been been great.

Chris Schwager 27:56

Thank you, man. Have an amazing rest of the day. Mr. Southall?

Brendan Southall 28:02

Oh, cool. Very good. Very good.

Chris Schwager 28:05

Do you have any post amble something about marketing and video? It is underestimated? Isn't, I mean, so many people don't think of social media as a way to grow their business. But it has been such a big contributor of ours for many years now. And completely top five marketing activities in practice, probably like top three at the moment.

Brendan Southall 28:25

Probably would be actually, wouldn't it? Yeah. I mean, just as an example of the three top opportunities we've got at the moment have all come from LinkedIn. Yeah. And that's why they're all looking very likely to close because we've already built that trust.

Chris Schwager 28:38


Brendan Southall 28:38

And credibility.

Chris Schwager 28:39

Yeah, it's completely estimated. 100%. Right. And, you know, it's not just for you thinking about this. It's not you and your social media, I think if you just like Nathanial said, you, you systematize. This, you process this up. There's a team of people behind us that make this happen for us. And I think that's an important thing to consider. Yeah, there's lots of things and whilst you might say are your profile, you know, somebody look at somebody and think of profiles up to date, and they publish a lot. But it's all the stuff that happens in the background behind the scenes as well, that you don't necessarily see that is equally as important, if not more important. People still respond to that one on one interactivity. And I think that that is underestimated on social media, and I think you really got to consider that go all in on it, you know, all in on conversations on being social, you know, it's not just a place for you to spam people, you know, and if you do that, over time, you do have great content. And as you say, like all marketing needs to brief. It's not because you put out something and immediately people are going to start doing business with you. You know, 18 months it may take or longer in some cases where people are just they're just not ready right now. But when the time's right, you're the first person they they'll think of and video will pay a mechanism a part of that because you are visually present. You have got enough visual equity through your face through what you've been saying through the nurturing of content you've been putting out there. And when the time's right, you're the person that they'll think of.

Chris Schwager 30:12

Average films clients are the best video marketers in the world and know how to get their business a huge return on investment. For this week's video marketing tip. Brendon, you have a client you've been working with? Yes, yeah, one of our mortgage broker clients. Yeah. So tell me more about him. What What was the problem you're trying to solve?

Brendan Southall 30:22

So the problem that we're trying to solve was trying to get people engaged to want to download an e-book, and then follow up with a conversation afterwards, initially put an e-book on on social and then asked for people to download it and give their phone number. And, of course, got very little conversion on that almost no one responded. So we put a video on each of the four chapters in the e-book and release those one a week for the four weeks. And over time, you know, he was obviously building trust, getting people to know him. Making people be very aware that he's not a shark and trying to take their money. He's actually there to help them. So at the end of that fourth video, he then asked for their download and contact numbers. And I think, I think the number he said was like 70, or 80% of people actually committed to it. So that just proves the undervalue that video and LinkedIn and having that relevancy and frequency there is adding to the whole trust and credibility formula.

Chris Schwager 31:26

So what's the conversion the conversion, the result was?

Brendan Southall 31:29

And the result was a 70 to 80% conversion rate of people wanting to download it and and start the conversation from that point.

Chris Schwager 31:37

Awesome. That is sensational. I love that so much. I've been working with clients and allowing them and giving them advice on being able to do that. So if you want to do something like this for yourself, you need to hire a video marketing professional like Brendan Southall. Go to That's all for this episode of the Video Made Simple podcast. Thanks for listening and see you next week.


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