How Long Should Your Videos Be?

Get Coached - Do I Really Need a Video Email Signature? (Episode 67)

video marketing podcast Jul 23, 2021

On average, we send and receive 122 emails per day. With this large amount of emails, yours could just be the one that gets lost. Adding a video in the body of your message is a great first step, but there's high-value marketing real estate that is untapped and just waiting for you in plain sight.

Welcome to 'Get Coached', the Video Marketing Legend podcast segment where you submit your video marketing questions and Chris will help coach you through them.

In this episode, Chris Schwager, Video Marketer from Ridge Films, will coach you through the ins and outs of the video email signature, so you can easily improve the visibility of your videos. Because how people see and learn about you and your business can be directly related to how well you email market your videos in this unimaginative and impersonal medium.



Establish better connections and cut through the noisy text-based emails with a video email signature. 

BOOK A FREE  15 VIDEO ASSESSMENT and discover what kind kind of videos will work best for your email signature.

If you're trying to solve the mystery of video marketing your business... what has you feeling overwhelmed?


Or download our guide, because we’re always helping the business community become better video marketers.


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Video Transcription:


Welcome the Video Marketing Legend podcast segment where you submit your video marketing questions at and I’ll help coach you through them. By listening in each week, you’ll learn how each video marketing problem is solved, giving you the knowledge that’ll make your videos more valuable and so you come across as a true business professional on the open market.

I'm your host, Chris Schwager.

Today's get coach question was submitted at and is from Harper. And Harper has a startup business in the IT industry and wants to know, "Do I really need a video email signature?"

This is a good question because nobody wants to do anything that's not going to be beneficial to their business. But your videos need to be leveraged everywhere you can in your business.

Okay, so Harper, let me first explain what we're talking about here. A video email signature is a video version of your contact details at the bottom of an email. So typically, you would recognise your email signature as being your name, phone number, website, maybe some social buttons and what have you.

But it is marketing real estate that nobody's really utilising properly and incorporating their videos into here to get some passive viewership. And we think that's a really missed opportunity, people need to leverage their video marketing investment continuously. And a video email signature is a perfect opportunity to do that.

Whether we like it or not, email is still one of the prime forms of communication. And according to a study, on average, we send and receive 122 emails per day. So this is a really great opportunity for people that you send emails to, perhaps you know them perhaps you don't know them to receive your video in this passive area, this prime marketing real estate, which we think is a really great opportunity for you to leverage your content.

Because of the large volume of emails we receive, and the amount of text in these emails, communication is lost a lot of the time. The busier the email, the more points the more calls to action that you have in your text, the higher probability that people are really going to miss those or skim read it. Think that is just clutter becomes very noisy, and ultimately ineffective. And this is no good, right?

So adding a video in the body of your message is a great first step. But you don't always have the opportunity to put a video in there, because it may not be relevant to the email, right. So an email signature is the next best area to put it.

And it's rarely used in this way. Ridge Films help your video email signatures, bridge the gap in your sales, marketing and comms and soak up some of that passive viewership otherwise lost in this buisiness, the constant buisiness of email, right. So let me explain how it works. You can convert your image in your email signature. You might have a photo of yourself, you might have a logo of your company, you can convert that or add to that by having a video thumbnail with a little play button on there are some sort of creative design that you can use to entice people to watch your video like this is real estate.

This is like ad space, you could really virtually put whatever you want on there, as long as it's relevant and serves a purpose. Now, if you have a video, any video, use it in your emails signature. And a lot of people think that if they produce one video that the only place it can leave is on YouTube, right?

Well, there's multiple places you can amplify and repurpose your content. It's not just about putting in one area and then walking away and forgetting about it. This is a great opportunity. This is going to be like your digital business card which can introduce your organisation who you are what you do, even before they've booked a call.

The best practice is for the video to play from the user clicking it directly from the email signature, and then it launches your website and it opens up on your website and the video plays immediately. Right. So effectively, we're talking about an image that can be hyperlinked. That's pretty much as simple as it gets. How creative can you be with that image that gets people kind of excited and curious to want to click play and want to understand more about what it is that you're marketing.

You're going to get to a wider reaching audience as you leverage your video content. We know how important that is. And stats Don't lie. Our video email signature is getting 50% engagement on the video is right so one thing it tells us is that the video is working. But the other thing is we need to do a little bit more work to make sure that the video is short, sharp and to the point right.

When you put a face to your name which is otherwise boring text in your email signature in a traditional email signature, a video could just be the thing that sparks interest builds trust in you and your offering.

How can you make your video as enticing as possible? And here's another point. Don't just have the YouTube video in there that when they click it sends them to YouTube. Right? I think that's a missed opportunity, right? Because you're sending him off to a third party, why not send them to your shop, to your shopfront to your website where they can engage with the content on the page? Think about how you can extend the life of your content by putting videos on your email signature.

And I think often I get asked Where is a good place to put your videos, right. And if you've only produced one video, then this video email signature is a perfect way to have it there for people to watch it. Our clients are doing this really well with fantastic designs that really do make you want to click and find out what's on the other side.

If you want help with this, and discover what kind of videos will work best in email signatures, and how to set up a seamless experience for your email audience so they click and watch then book a free 15 minute video assessment with me now. The link is in the show notes.

And just before we wrap up for this week, if you want to learn how to convince decision makers in your business through this thing, go to and download our guide. We're always here helping the business community become better video marketers. So go to and download we'd love to help you convince your boss.

Harper thank you so much for asking your question. We know that video marketing can seem overwhelming knowing if you really need a video email signature. But if you use this method I've coached through you'll be able to easily improve how people see and learn about you and your business using this untapped marketing real estate to establish better connections and cut through the noisy text based emails. I'm sure this is going to give you peace of mind and really help you with what you're looking for in the first place. Something to help you decide if you really need a video email signature and for everybody else out there trying to solve the mystery of video marketing your business, shat has he overwhelmed?

On Get Coached we are here to help you through it. Just submit your video question to for your chance to get coached by me just go to and thanks so much for listening


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