Why Be Different? The Pain, Problems And Video Solutions - A Look Back With Den Lennie

Why Be Different? The Pain, Problems And Video Solutions - A Look Back With Den Lennie (Episode 30)

video marketing podcast Oct 21, 2020

In this episode with Chris Schwager (Video Marketer from Ridge Films) is interviewed by Den Lennie (Coach & Mentor from Video Business Accelerator). Get wrapped up in their journey as they explore the challenges all business face at some point. Chris unpacks tips behind Ridge Films growth and what it takes to survive in a digital world.

"We could switch on a camera and edit a video, that was all we had. When we transitioned and pivoted the business, from a video production company into a video marketing agency,  we  knew that we had to stand by the things that we had built, and make sure they become repetitious in our daily communication to the market, so that people truly do understand that we are different  - to provide our clients an ongoing, sustainable competitive advantage using video marketing."

Here’s what you can learn from the episode:

  • Chris' story and Ridge Films
  • Empowering business with education - Video Marketing Workshop
  • Google reviews as a significant ranking metric
  • Video production VS Video marketing
  • Video solutions as a sustainable competitive advantage

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