Best Practices for Recording a Video Using Your Teleprompter

quick start guide Jul 25, 2024

In this guide, we will show you the best practices for recording videos on your PC using your DIY Desktop Studio and a teleprompter. Follow these steps for a smooth setup and professional recording experience.

Steps for Recording a Video Using Your Teleprompter

  1. Prepare Your Recording Environment
    • Shut blinds, close doors, turn off your phone, and eliminate distractions to ensure a focused recording session.
  2. Position Yourself and Check Framing
    • Use the Windows Camera app or QuickTime to see yourself on screen.
    • Position yourself in the center with your eye line at the top third of the screen for optimal framing.
  3. Adjust for Multiple Presenters
    • Avoid adjusting the camera to prevent complications.
    • Use an adjustable air cushion seat to change your height and ensure proper alignment without moving the camera.
  4. Set Up and Test the Microphone
    • Place the microphone close to your mouth, slightly out of shot, to ensure clear audio.
    • Test your audio and camera settings to confirm everything is working correctly.
  5. Launch Teleprompter and Start Recording
    • Open your recording app and launch the teleprompter.
    • Hit record on the Windows Camera app or QuickTime.
    • Control the teleprompter speed using your keyboard and start presenting.
    • Save and label your video for easy indexing and future reference.

By following these best practices, you will ensure high-quality recordings every time. Happy recording!


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