Lens & Logic: Decoding AI's Impact on Video with Jeremy Farrugia (Episode 179)
May 29, 2024Dive deep into the transformative world of artificial intelligence in video production with Jeremy Farrugia, co-founder of Viewix, in this riveting podcast episode hosted by Chris Schwager. Join us as we explore how AI is revolutionising the video production industry, blending technical prowess with the irreplaceable human touch.
In this captivating conversation, Jeremy takes us on an enlightening journey through the dual nature of AI—its immense potential and its limitations. Prepare to uncover the secrets behind AI’s impact on video production as Jeremy shares his expert insights and groundbreaking experiences.
The Dual Nature of AI
AI in video production is a double-edged sword. Jeremy candidly shares his experiences, highlighting the incredible potential of AI tools while cautioning against over-reliance. "AI tools are incredible, but they can't replace the human touch," he says. This sentiment resonates deeply, especially when considering the influx of AI-generated content that often lacks the warmth and nuance of human interaction.
Navigating Cognitive Dissonance
Embracing AI comes with its own set of challenges. Jeremy acknowledges the initial discomfort but emphasizes the inevitability of AI's impact. "AI is going to change every industry," he asserts, pointing to advancements like AI-enhanced editors and producers. Despite the excitement, there’s a lingering question: can AI truly match human creativity?
The Irreplaceable Human Judgment
One of the most compelling points Jeremy makes is about the irreplaceable value of human judgment. "There is zero AI out there that has judgment like a human does," he states, emphasizing the nuanced understanding of client needs that only a human can provide. This insight is a powerful reminder of the delicate balance between technology and human creativity.
The future of video production is undeniably intertwined with AI. However, maintaining the human touch will be crucial. Jeremy's insights remind us to embrace technological advancements while honoring the creative essence that defines our work.
For a deeper dive into how AI is shaping the future of video production and to hear more from Jeremy Farrugia, listen to the full episode below.
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Video Transcription:
Chris Schwager: G'day legends, welcome to the DIY Video for Professionals podcast, where we unravel the secrets behind crafting videos that screen professional without the hassle. I'm your host, Chris Schwager, the DIY maestro, here to guide you through the mesmerizing world of DIY video production. We take you beyond the lens, from the latest in DIY video, optimizing your tech setup, and even to candid chats with clients, sharing personal stories that transcend the realm of video.
Chris Schwager: This is your all access pass to mastering the video game and living a life filled with action and decisions. Get ready to transform not just your videos, but your approach to life one episode at a time. Welcome to DIY Video for Professionals.
Chris Schwager: While I'm here with Jeremy. Farrugia .
Jeremy Farrugia: Farrugia Sorry, man. Do you want me to introduce it? Is that okay?
Chris Schwager: Please. That's okay.
Jeremy Farrugia: Nah, no worries. So look essentially I'm the co founder of Viewix . We're a video production agency servicing the majority of Sydney and the Eastern seaboard from the inner west of Dulwich Hill.
Jeremy Farrugia: The idea is that we're a very new company. So that's probably why you don't know our name. We're probably about 18 months old now. And Yeah, we love making videos. It's our thing. It's everything from marketing videos, brand videos, social media, always on strategies, that type of thing. And yeah, we're working with some really amazing clients from, you know, A really broad breadth of industries which is why I love my job so much.
Jeremy Farrugia: You in your 20s? I, I appreciate that, but I did turn 30 not too long ago. So I'm just,
Chris Schwager: Mate, you're an old bugger. Dealing with an old bugger. It's rough. It's rough. If you, if you're watching us on YouTube, you'll see one gray fuck on one side and, you know, young, young, like young pretty boy on the other. Chris Schwager: It's the first time we've ever met each other. And, and I, he really caught my, Attention on LinkedIn. I was super pumped. I mean, I've had a lot of people tell me that AI, Oh, I didn't know I was a thing, right? It's like, I know it is, right? I know it's, there's a lot of shit we can do. However, who does it, you know?
Chris Schwager: And, and part of my objection and part of my, I love it and I hate it, you know, in some regards, because I know that it's been, been reported to say that it was the best gift that humans had. Last year, that was just the, the biggest problem solver. ChatGPT was notoriously awesome at, at taking, taking out the, the, the crappy process of having to write SMSs or, or emails or speeches or website copy or whatever, right?
Chris Schwager: And then the innovation, all these adoptions, the things that you're reporting on now around how it can help video producers and people. Easily make videos, I subscribe to the, well, let Jeremy test it first. And then when I know the process works, when I know the process works, I'll right. It's done.
Chris Schwager: Right. It's done. I, I, I've seen so much tech, drone tech, 3d data that I go come and go over the years. And I, I'm always like, Let somebody else do all of the groundwork and then I'll jump on. Absolutely. And we'll figure it out.
Jeremy Farrugia: What's your take on it, Jeremy? I'm like definitely trying to like learn in public, right?
Jeremy Farrugia: So as another video production company, like our whole thing is, is that like, there's a lot of cognitive dissonance when it comes to AI, right? It's scary. It's a big problem. It's like, I don't know, this feels a little bit weird. But at the end of the day, it's like, I have like this instinct and like this feeling where it's like, whether I like it or not, AI is going to change every industry.
Jeremy Farrugia: And if I'm going to, you know, be a key part of the video production space, leaning into how to use AI effectively within video production to elevate quality, not cut corners. And so like you said it before, like Chris, you said last year, AI was like the biggest gift, but it also was like the biggest problem because I feel like some lazy people you know, want to use it for everything and have like, man, I can't tell you how many times I got an email from someone that's a chat GPT.
Jeremy Farrugia: Reply. And I'm like, it's so insanely clear because I use it. So with the emojis included, yeah, exactly. It's like no one searches emojis. Nobody sources emojis for an email. Like this is ridiculous. And look, there are like other ways to like build on that. And you can create custom GPTs based on the way that you write emails.
Jeremy Farrugia: Right. But at the end of the day, you're taking out the human element and I've been on the trying all of these different AI tools. And there's a few things that I'm like very, very clearly understand the limitations of this technology. Like the idea in, in terms of my priority, it's like, yeah, it's always great to like try a new custom GPT or a new way to like take notes from meetings automatically and save time there.
Jeremy Farrugia: That's all well and good, but leaning into. The way that we can enhance video production to the benefit of our bottom line and our clients and the quality that we deliver to our clients, looking at things like AI enhanced video editors and AI enhanced producers, cinematographers, that's where it's going to really, really change in the next few years.
Jeremy Farrugia: And it's already starting to change. I guess the key point that I want to bounce off you, Chris, is essentially when looking at these. I've played with so many AI tools. Like I'm having a lot of fun. I live and breathe this stuff. I live and breathe video. So it's a natural sort of thing for me to jump into, but there is zero AI out there.
Jeremy Farrugia: There is no AI out there that has judgment like a human does. Like when you're working with a particular, like high profile client or a really large company, premium brands, they need to understand, like the editor needs to understand the nuance of that client's needs. And there is zero AI and it's many years away, if at all, from understanding, Oh, this client likes this thing in this particular way because of this ulterior motive, you know?
Chris Schwager: Yes. Yeah. It's good. And like I did, I did a webinar recently on scripting and I just had to like get on the AI bandwagon and chuck a bit of a, with AI at the end of this scripting your videos. And I was underprepared for it, but I've spent a lot of time over 20 years Getting the scripting right and productizing and understanding how to structure content and all that sort of stuff.
Chris Schwager: So I'm, I'm relatively using AI relatively early and what I found over the half hour, cause I was riffing for a lot of it, but just, just saying, okay, well, understanding the fundamentals of writing a script is still going to be hugely important in, in. you in adopting AI because your perception is always shifting and is always changing.
Chris Schwager: There's no application for writing a script that's going to spit it out without you making some kind of alteration to it. And that was the, probably the key thing. Yeah. And the key thing that I felt After that was like, yes, it will always be the tool, the perception is always going to change. One person will say one thing, another person will say another.
Chris Schwager: And so therefore it's not going to be able to spit out something unless, unless you're prepared for it just to do, let's just say your standard is low. Like, you know, you trust AI so much that you don't have to, like, add anything, just
Jeremy Farrugia: spit it out for SEO purposes. I mean, that's, that's the exact thing where it's like, you're going to need experts to use this AI to make sure that it's not only just spitting out the right thing, but then you can tailor it a little bit further to account for that nuance.
Jeremy Farrugia: That your particular client needs. It's the idea that like, you know, everyone's afraid that AI is going to take their jobs. And on the forefront of seeing how fast AI is growing and the new tools that are coming out. I'm actually really confident that for us as an industry for video production, there is so much creativity.
Jeremy Farrugia: That cannot be replicated. And it's in that, that essential human experience and that value that comes from being a human and being so creative can only really be enhanced by AI. I haven't seen, or I don't expect at least for the next several years, an AI that can replicate human creativity. It's understanding that, that is like a really key difference.
Jeremy Farrugia: If you don't have like the basic skills or even advanced skills of what you're asking the AI to do, then there's going to be issues. There's going to be, you know, things that are messed up in there. There's going to be mistakes. And, and then that's going to translate into the final product, which is, is it not?
Chris Schwager: The reason you're hearing this podcast so clearly it's because we've incorporated this. If you're on our YouTube channel, go and have a look at the quality that comes out of What we call the desktop video studio and allows professionals just like yourself an ability to have camera, sound, lights, teleprompter, all at a single switch of a button and all at the convenience of your desk.
Chris Schwager: Let's have a listen to a couple of happy clients who are using this system.
Get people that come to my masterclasses and the first thing they do is they go, wow, and they know I'm here to get creative.
Chris Schwager: It has saved me a day, a month. I now use video more because it's just easier to do. The equipment is just incredible.
Chris Schwager: It's easy. You're ready to go. Being able to come in here, turn it on and look down the barrel. It's just so good. I can take a little bit more time with the delivery because there is no set up. Coming across more professionally. Gotta have a look at it. You are getting massive value.
Oh my god, I'm like, Wishing that all these years I would have saved myself time.
It's just so much better. It was such a great investment. I can shoot videos like that. You
can switch it on, do a really fast message within two minutes. Having the best tools has taken my business to the next level.
Chris Schwager: If you want more information on how you can do this for yourself, go to ridgefilms. com.
Chris Schwager: au slash DIY. So, So we're not going to just be able to pump in, you know, spit out a video as a prompt.
Jeremy Farrugia: So there's, I'm saying that's definitely not, look, you know, what's crazy. There are AIs that exist right now that do exactly that. Right. So they pull in, they make these chat GPT to make a script. They use an AI tool that just scrapes stock footage, slaps it on the, on the top, and then uses AI to do a caption below.
Jeremy Farrugia: So what we're about to see over the next 12, 24 months into the future is just an unbelievable amount of below average content. Like the flood of terrible content that's going to be coming across every social media platform is insane. Like the barrier to entry for making a video has never been lower, but now it's like it's the time to lean in to making quality and being authentic and like coming through that sort of space, you know, it's it's only going to become more and more valuable as time goes on.
Jeremy Farrugia: If that makes sense. It sounds a little bit
Chris Schwager: like the explainer video. Tell me about that. Explainer videos. It seemed like we went, we had the viral video pivot, right? And we had the explainer video pivot. So viral was like everyone, all the inquiries, this is early. 2000s. I think
everyone was kind of like,
Chris Schwager: Oh, create a viral video for me.
Chris Schwager: No other literal language needed. It was all about just create a viral video. Cause if you create a viral video, my business is bound to boom. Right. And now, and then it was explainers, right? And the problem with explainers that we, we hated was just the amount of work that goes into doing a good animation and how little personalization and humanization.
Chris Schwager: So the explainers, lots of the explainer videos that I was watching, and if you don't know what an explainer video is knit, it's you know, pretty much by definition, animation, you know, there's pretty much no other way. So it's, it's designed to help businesses that probably don't have the facade and the, the the fancy office and the shop front to just be present with video by having animation and explaining complex processes.
Chris Schwager: And what I found in some cases, I'd watch these explainer videos and I'd be scratching my head going, I don't fucking get it because it lacked humanization. And the editors, when the guys were putting these videos together, they were so bad. like, condensed. There was so packed. There was no like musical interludes or little transitions to kind of like keep it going.
Chris Schwager: It would just be like talking at you for two minutes and go, and never stop. And so on that, on that premise that we, we decided to kind of lean away from it and go, look, this is all about this space will grow from human interactions and, and the way that people buy from people. And that was our, our philosophy that we, that we went with.
Chris Schwager: So our version of explainer videos was like, okay, animation combined with human elements to, to balance it out. Anyway, I don't know, I was going to get into a point here. Perhaps it was about seeing these new trends. happening and without the foresight and forethought from businesses to understand why they're actually investing it.
Chris Schwager: So, you know, I want you to go and experiment and test and, and, and, and understand what's good and bad and report on that. Cause then my job's a hell of a lot easier. I can just piggyback off you and go, you know, follow this guy. He's awesome.
Jeremy Farrugia: Yeah, no, I appreciate that, Chris. And look, it's it's something that I really enjoy doing.
Jeremy Farrugia: And I think it also is something that I've actually been able to work with a lot of new clients because of, which is a really sort of fun process as well, I guess, like, to give some, like, really practical examples of why this is actually important. I think is, is a probably a good place to start here.
Jeremy Farrugia: Like I can talk about, you know, the, the stupid AI that's out there that like you put in one prompt and it spits out a really poor, terrible video. That's not what we do. That's not what I want to encourage. And that's not what I want people to go out there and Google search after listening to this. Where I do see a large amount of value coming in is in using AI tools to enhance the current video production process and just enable already talented.
Jeremy Farrugia: Video producers to do their job to do their job in a better way and to do it slightly faster and to essentially spend their time on the aspects of the production that are going to affect the ROI and the actual impacts of the video. So one example was I had a client, well, I've got a client that's in Sydney CBD and they're in the health space and essentially we did a brand movie for them.
Jeremy Farrugia: So they've got this like. Kind of smaller clinic, but it's on Main Street. It's on Elizabeth Street in Sydney CBD. And they have this issue where essentially they were in a prime location. Gorgeous spot. But to do their brand movie, we need to interview like six or seven different members of the team.
Jeremy Farrugia: And if they've got this kind of small office, we needed to use like every aspect of the office to constantly have a different backdrop. So it feels a little bit more dynamic. It feels like a slightly bigger space. Yeah. You know where I'm going with this. So the idea is that. What we were a key concern of the client was essentially their windows back straight onto Elizabeth Street.
Jeremy Farrugia: And so you've got all of this insane, heavy traffic of buses ripping up and down that street several times a day. You've got a sirens going off cause there's a there's a fire station across the road, which is hilarious. So, you know, every time we were filming, it's like, all right, we've got to, we've got to stop for these sirens.
Jeremy Farrugia: So the idea is we were doing these piece to cameras and we needed to spread it across the office. But what we were able to do is we used Adobe Enhance and I highly recommend jumping on and trialing this one if you haven't already. But the idea is you slot in any piece of audio and it essentially cleans it up in the most insane way.
Jeremy Farrugia: Like if you're outside and you're recording you know, I do, I see that you do a lot of videos in the Chris. So if you're recording in the park, this is me, a
Chris Schwager: five minute video that like has all the media missing from it. But anyway, I've got, I've got, I've got editors to take care of this. Yeah,
Jeremy Farrugia: but I guess like the idea is like, say you're, say you're recording or say you're in this, you know, really busy clinic with fire engines going on outside with, you know, buses ripping up and down the street.
Jeremy Farrugia: The idea is that you can take the audio, even if it's the last thing that your editors do in the timeline, and then export it into Adobe enhance. And what it does is it cleans up the audio. And in some cases it actually. Recreates the audio because it can't be cleaned up. So it tries to understand what you're saying, understands your tone of voice, and then it completely cleans that up.
Jeremy Farrugia: And I've been able to record content on our office building roof, which is right under the flight path. And if you're in the inner west of Sydney, you know what a challenge that is to record content. But this is something that like. Is really like changing the way in which we can make content moving forward because of this one simple tool.
Jeremy Farrugia: And that's just one of like, you know, dozens that are actually practical. So that's Adobe Enhance. And if you type in podcast, Adobe Enhance podcast, you can, you can try that one for yourself.
Chris Schwager: I came across Essential Sound like just to plug in on Adobe on the weekend, I think. Yeah. And I had a bit of a play with that again,
Chris Schwager: sort of a little bit all the way, you know, right. Phenomenal. Right. Yeah. It is what it's doing to salvage you know, what would normally be a pretty crappy noise reduction filter was excellent. But the only criticism I had is by the end of it. It sounded like a podcast voiceover and I was like, wow, I feel like I've lost, it's put all this bottom end in and it's like, I feel like I've lost, I don't have control.
Chris Schwager: Yeah. It was, it was not so much the Atmos, but it was just putting a lot of bottom end in and trying to podcast it. And unfortunately, Cause I, I just love the quickest, easiest, you know, work around kind of thing. I don't spend any time trying to like come up with solutions cause I know that, you know, if it's a bug fix within a system, I was like, I'll let them fix it and I'll come back in three months time and hopefully it's fixed.
Chris Schwager: Yeah. So essential sound was, was the, the filter or whatever. And I just didn't have the control to just. And I'm sure if I just popped the EQ on it, another EQ filter on it, probably would have been solved the problem. But anyway phenomenal, phenomenal tool, like amazing. I get good sound. I'm always recording great sound.
Chris Schwager: Right. So I guess it's going to be. Highly beneficial in the event that somebody goes out and records on their iPhone and doesn't, you know, forgets to put the fucking mic in or whatever, right? And where they've, where they're stuck. I think that application is going to be really, really great. But anyway, I think you probably see, see more of a usage for it.
Chris Schwager: I, I think it parallels very nicely into this idea of what are we doing spending all this, all this money and, and, and expertise on gear? And I've, I've said that we'll probably take a big leap over virtual backgrounds and kind of like even my desktop studio equipment that I'm selling. You know, it's, it's compromised by anybody getting on a crappy webcam and being fully skinned by AI.
Chris Schwager: So they've got, they've got not only a virtual background, but a virtual front ground, virtual foreground. And I've seen it happening in real time. Already. Where are you with that? Because I reported and I said, Oh no, this is more like futuristic prediction. And that was like three months ago. And now it's probably going to happen next month or something.
Chris Schwager: Where, where are you with that?
Jeremy Farrugia: Have you seen, have you seen that post I did that where I created an AI avatar version of myself? Did you see that one? Yeah, I did. Yeah. You did. Okay. So I guess like, that is like the super, super early cringe stage of where we're at. And if you try and like, imagine like, where are we going to be like 12 or 24 months from now?
Jeremy Farrugia: In my opinion, the quality of an AI cloned version of yourself is going to be indistinguishable from the real thing. And so like, if you think about the impact that that's going to have on content creation, like think about every talking head video that's on YouTube, on LinkedIn, or on any other social media platform, it's probably like, I don't know, 50 percent of all videos that are out there right now, because they're just so simple and easy to produce and they really hit the main content pillars of increasing authority and trust.
Jeremy Farrugia: But I guess the idea there is that. It's going to be really hard to distinguish yourself from others, unless you're coming forward as a really real and authentic version of yourself, where essentially you're just acting in a way or differentiating yourself that an AI avatar can't do. If you look at that, it's like, I completely agree.
Jeremy Farrugia: Chris, like the way in which you present yourself online, that the quality of the product that you put out there and the quality of your own videos says a lot about your brand positioning, which is why having a DIY studio, you know, to capture yourself in high quality and put out consistent content makes so much sense for so many creators and so many people looking to build a brand.
Jeremy Farrugia: I think that the challenge is going to come in the next few years of people that are going to just lean into scale as opposed to you know, building authority and building content on a one off basis. If they lean into scale these AI clones are going to be everywhere and the challenge is that we're not even going to know it.
Jeremy Farrugia: So, I think that's a space that we really need to be paying attention to because I feel like that's going to be a large change in the next 12 to 24 months. Thanks. It's, it's kind of insane when you look at like the process of making it, because they use recordings of yourself in the scenario. So I could record you, Chris, walking down the street, just saying whatever you want, right?
Jeremy Farrugia: It's just a piece of camera. Chris is walking down the street. And then essentially with this AI tool, it'll just move your mouth according to your new script. And it knows how to already impact create. Your exact voice and how you sound so it's literally just swapping those two things out, which are, which is a lot more simple than just creating an AI version of Chris.
Jeremy Farrugia: Do you know what I'm saying? So I guess like that's a, that's a space that like, frankly, like, I don't like it. There's a lot of AI tools where I'm like, I'm a big fan of like the change that's coming. I lean into this sort of stuff, but there are a few there where I'm like, I don't really appreciate where the long term.
Jeremy Farrugia: Of that is going. And so I'm trying to lean into the stuff that I know is going to just provide a lot of value and better enable my team.
Chris Schwager: You gotta ask yourself, are you satisfied with the way that you're presenting yourself and your personal brand to your market? And for four years now, people have been really struggling to clarify the way they look and sound on camera when it comes to doing video calls and recording their own personalized videos.
Chris Schwager: And there is a solution. The DIY video program helps you personalize sales video and emails, record professional marketing videos, look and sound amazing in every video meeting without the tech hassles. And you also get professional video editing and practical training so that you can present like a pro.
Chris Schwager: You don't have to do anything in that initial setup because the studio is installed for you. You get your coaching and training so that you can then go on and be a Video professional and wipe out poor quality videos forever. Why don't you go to ridgefilms. com. au slash DIY and check it out for yourself.
Chris Schwager: There's going to be more regulation though, right? Like, you know, I think that it's all just going to be, you know, wipe out the fucking world. But you know, everyone that is threatened, I think primarily as well he's going to have a bit of a say, say about it. Right. Yeah, but the government is so slow to
Jeremy Farrugia: like, yeah, it's like the government's too slow.
Jeremy Farrugia: Right. And then companies that don't allow it. So like your law firms, your big finance companies, like anyone who has like a data privacy issue, they can't use ChatchAT, right. Because they don't know what's going on with their servers and all that sort of thing. Right. Yeah. But people are using it anywhere on their private accounts.
Jeremy Farrugia: It's like, you can't stop people from using something that's going to help them save time. Like, people value their time and energy so much that it's just, that's the biggest risk is that it's going to be out there and people will find a way. It's like these kids that keep using ChatGPT to do their assignments, like whether the school likes it or not, they're doing it.
Chris Schwager: And it winds me up. I went to a school reunion, 30 year reunion, 30 year reunion I might add just so you know, the age, the age bracket here and and it was a great high vibing experience. It was really good cause you know, everyone's fatter and older and grayer and more experienced than three kids and all that sort of shit.
Chris Schwager: Right. So it's fun. It's got to be fun. And but where it got like where it was time to leave was when I talked to a lady who was teaching in a college. You know, far as West you can go in New South Wales, some private boarding school. And she was all up, up in arms about the AI taking over and plagiarism and all this stuff.
Chris Schwager: And I was like, Oh, I'm fucking out of here. It's time to go. You know, because it's kind of like, ah, you know, it's like, Oh, don't give him an iPhone. Don't give him an iPad. Like it'll, it'll rot their brain. It's interesting. Just recently I invested in a awards agency to help with, um, submitting awards because like every award submission is different and I just want someone to take care of it and manage it.
Chris Schwager: Right. Plus I want some recognition for all the fucking 22 years of grinding it out in the company. So if you see me win some awards, you'll know how I've done it. So as I'm talking to a great, great lady, she's going to be coming up on the show in the next couple of weeks called Heather Mariana.
Chris Schwager: Anyway, so she goes, because of AI, all of these people are now submitting, doing their submissions using AI and the, the awards companies are getting pissed off because they Because they're getting inundated far more than they've ever had of submissions that just aren't accurate and aren't correct and aren't right.
Chris Schwager: And so they're now having to put in AI, you know, filters or some sort of the trackers to, to stop the, you know, the, the that's kind of coming. Yeah.
Jeremy Farrugia: I mean, the volume of crap is. Just going to increase, but also this is just a question and maybe you can ask this when she jumps onto your show, how many applications have come through that were probably first made with AI, but within edited by the founder or the person, and then it's actually a really quality piece of work like those are the, those are the people.
Jeremy Farrugia: Who are dangerous or are going to become more dangerous are the people who say you call me dangerous, you know, let's go, mate. I love it Very dangerous, man It's like, you know, if someone can save like 30 minutes of their life, right? And I like the first basis down and then you jump in and you spend another 30 minutes just going through Optimizing it tailoring it to exactly your brand understanding the nuance that we spoke about earlier Yeah, that's those are the people that AI enhanced people that are really going to make big waves You
Chris Schwager: Man, it's, it's super, super fun.
Chris Schwager: Super cool. I'm glad I fall into that category of, of, you know, people are going to be, be far serious. What did you say? Not create some damage. That, that's basically how I do it. I cannot help but put my spin on something. I think I did a, cause I, I, I went for the Telstra business awards. They were asking for a bio and I was like, Oh, where's our bio?
Chris Schwager: And I went to LinkedIn and looked at that company buyer and I'm pretty sure I drew. I'd done a dump from AI and I read it with Kev, my, my second in command, this is shit. Oh my God, what is this? It's horrible. So we had to quickly AI rewrite it because it was just my, my first attempt was probably just something to kind of temporarily fix what was there prior to that as well.
Chris Schwager: But yeah. But yeah, it's always a beautiful guide at the moment. I, you know, I'm, I'm on the free version as well. So I guess accuracy and the way that it's learning and whatnot is different to the paid version. If I can make a suggestion about that, please honestly, the paid version, man. Hey, look, man, it's 20,
Jeremy Farrugia: 25 bucks a month.
Jeremy Farrugia: And I, I promise you, if you, Actually spend a little bit of time training it. So you can like essentially download your data, upload it to a custom GPT. That is Chris. It understands your context, the videos you've made, the industries you've helped, your case studies, who you are, where you're going, what you're going for, everything else in between.
Jeremy Farrugia: And you give it all of that context and then it can start to help you with a whole range of these sort of tasks. I mean, for 25 a month, it's like having. You know, another another employee. Yeah a less capable one than one of your employees, but my God, is it affordable and does it save time and energy, which is like the big thing there.
Jeremy Farrugia: You sold me, bro. You sold
Chris Schwager: me. And you know what Use my referring code. Yeah, I will. I will do that. I don't have one. What's the, oh, okay. God damn it. So what I, we, we named our, we named ChatGPT because we, we saw how important it was going to be to our business. So we, we named it Jarvis. We're on the trajectory to create a LinkedIn profile for it and everything.
Chris Schwager: But kind of thought of more of the other priorities in the world rather than creating. Yeah. Anyway but it is, it is something immediately, I think like earlier than this time last year that I gathered the whole team together and went, I think you gotta, you guys are going to have to really.
Chris Schwager: You know, I, I deal with some Filipino staff and, and I was like, you're gonna, you're not gonna email the same way again. You know, you're always never, never assume what you've written is, is right or cannot be cannot be better, improved. Yeah. So, so now when I think I've got the, the, the shit hot piece of email or whatever, I'm always, always getting a second opinion,
Chris Schwager: and And that, that's really what it seems to be doing quite well for us.
Chris Schwager: And like, not to mention, I remember on a Saturday spending some time just with the voice on, on the phone and I was going to give blood and I was on the street and I was just going, you know, here's our, here's our core messages. This was the product and service. I was just getting really top level and starting to get, A refreshed view on our messaging.
Chris Schwager: And then like within the week I was rolling this shit out. I was, I was going through the whole site and, and, you know, just rethinking what, what we were saying, you know, and it's always, it's so impressive. It's also that point of view as well. And I think it's like, just. Because it was speaking back to me, I think that was the thing that was different than the text.
Chris Schwager: Because when you're writing text to prompt a thing, you know, you're always trying to be grammatically right and everything else. Whereas, when I When you're speaking, just free flowing. It's straight out of your brain. Speak to it like a human. I don't even read it.
Jeremy Farrugia: Yeah.
Chris Schwager: Yeah, speak to it like a human and I expect it to reply and it keeps calling me schwags, you know, and I'm like, yeah, cool.
Chris Schwager: You know, we'll go along with that, I guess. I won't correct you. Yeah what's wrong with legends, you know?