Our Top 10 Favourite Motivational Speakers - Boom!

Our Top 10 Favourite Motivational Speakers - Boom! (Episode 100)

video marketing podcast Mar 28, 2022

In the last two years, we have recorded 100 episodes, 50 hours of content, and done 60 interviews all around the world. To celebrate reaching 100th episode, we are kicking off the podcast party by bringing our beloved audience and followers the top 10 interviews, rich with profound insights, experiences, and a lifetime of advice in our journey to video marketing.

Welcome to 'Video Made Simple' video podcast featuring marketers, entrepreneurs & clients who help take the mystery out of video and break through the monotony of day-to-day communication. 

In this episode, Chris Schwager is joined by Brendan Southall (Co-founders and Video Marketers of Ridge Films) to pull out 10 memorable interviews from guests who graced the show and shared their expertise on the field.

DIY VIDEO PROGRAM Create your own videos with a push of a button

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CONVINCE YOUR BOSS Download our guide to help decision makers understand the importance of video marketing their business. 

THE POWER OF VIDEO MARKETING View on demand in 60-minutes. 7 lessons to kickstart your video marketing journey.

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 Todd Hartley, CEO Wirebuzz
Episode 19 Remote Seling Secrets Every Business Needs for Faster Sales

Razz Khan, Digital Marketing Strategist
Episode 21 Is your EGO holding you back?

Sian Jenkins, Marketing Director Genesys
Episode 26 Revolutionise Your Event Strategy Forever

Phil Nottingham, Brand & Video Marketing Strategist, Wistia
Episode 40 Building Your Brand Using Wistia Hosting

Gabrielle Dolan, Speaker, Educator, Author
Episode 60 Magnetic Stories: Make Them Real & Personal

Dr. Greg Schreeuwer, Chiropractor, Kinesiologist & Empowerment Coach, Universal Health
Episode 72 Is Presenting on Camera Holding You Back?

Brenden Kumarasamy, Public Speaking Coach & Founder of Mastertalk
Episode 82 Mastering Presentation Skills: Tricks You Didn’t Know You Need

Danielle Johansen, Founder & CEO of Threadicated
Episode 84 Investor Videos Seal the Deal 250 Times

David Jenyns, CEO of systemHUB & Author of SYSTEMology
Episode 91 Loom Videos to Power Business Systems

Grazina Fechner, Director and Founder, Front and Centre Training Solutions 
Episode 94 Adult ‘Learning’ Videos


Video Transcription:

 Chris Schwager 0:01

Hello video marketing professionals welcome to the podcast that takes the mystery out of producing videos. This is video made simple and you can also watch this over at YouTube link is in the show notes. I am your host Chris Schwager, joined by Mr. Brendan Southall, and we're so excited. Why are we excited Brendan?

Brendan Southall 0:21
We are celebrating 100 episodes.

Chris Schwager 0:27
We're pulling together our 10 most memorable interviews from our guests from over two years with the most invaluable insights for your leisure. You can watch it you can listen to it. This is it can only can only get better. In the last two years, we've recorded 100 episodes, including this one, of course. 50 hours of content 60 interviews from around the world and we want to share those with you.

Brendan Southall 1:04
Yes, let's share them.

Chris Schwager 1:06
Why are we celebrating Brendan and why? Why why?

Brendan Southall 1:09
What an amazing milestone. 100 episodes in our 20th year. Oh, my gosh, what's next? Our first billion?

Chris Schwager 1:16
Yeah, anniversary, not our wedding anniversary?

Brendan Southall 1:19
Oh, yes. Let's make that very clear for our lovely audience.

Chris Schwager 1:23
Our partnership anniversary. 20 years this year of Ridge Films existence, which is super exciting as well. And yes, it just coincides with our 100th episode, we thought we'd give you a bit of an overview, which I think would be really great. As always, please subscribe rate and review. We want your feedback. Is this podcast valuable? We try to get some of the most compelling experts on we don't of course, you probably know this by now. Don't talk about the tech so much. Talk about the communication, we talked about the marketing is that the things that make us excited

Brendan Southall 2:05
and different.

Chris Schwager 2:06
So two years ago, governments around the world implemented lockdown and quarantine protocols, you may remember that thing called COVID. Right?

Brendan Southall 2:15
Who, who, what, where, why how?

Chris Schwager 2:17
Naturally, this caused problems for a lot of companies, especially those centered on events, such as Genesys. Marketing director, Sian Jenkins, and her team rose to the challenge of holding their first ever virtual flagship customer event back in 2020, the G summit, this is episode 26 and 27 with Sian Jenkins,

Sian Jenkins 2:39
the beginning you said that the whole idea was to create bingeable content, you know, the whole Netflix world. People want to keep watching, and the engagement statistics from from our mainstage sessions, which like I said, we're an hour and 15 minutes in total made up of lots of different sessions, which we mostly filmed with you, you know, those engagement stats, I think show that it actually was bingeable people stayed online, people did watch it.

Overall, we got some really good feedback about from attendees, saying that it was fantastic that it was virtual, because I could take all the content away. And, you know, still, I was able to, for the first time attend the event. So we kind of attracted different people to the event who wouldn't have normally come to our physical events, we had just over just under 1000 Live attendees over the two days. So that was from, I think it was just over 1500 registrations, which we ended up on about a 62% live attendance rate, which is, you know, phenomenal. It's actually really high. And we asked them to rate you know, different elements of the event and the overall experience and our scores for the overall experience.

I think for this event, it was an eight and a half out of 10. Now, that's what our score usually is on our physical events. And I think that's pretty amazing. When you consider that in a physical event. There's all the fun activities of you know, maybe the the party at the end, you know, there's there's the networking and all the face to face engagement that you have with different people that can really contribute to your event experience. And when you think all of that is taken, you know, the that that kind of maybe the fun of that side of things is taken out of a virtual event. We were really pleased to still to get that same score.

Brendan Southall 4:25
Yes, our events are not the only things crossing over to online. Training and online learning trended on multi platforms during these times. Griz Fechner realized the impact of her videos on a global scale on episode 94, learn more about how videos designed according to four learning principles make online learning much more effective.

Griz Fechner 4:45
Tiktok is nuts for us with the podcast. We're getting a million views on something so ridiculous like it. It makes no sense to me It blows my mind that these 15 or 30 seconds whatever we're doing, it gets people from Kazakhstan. We're number one podcast In Kazakhstan, one girl wrote to us the other day from because she'd sent us on Tik Tok instead of watching it or listening to a podcast and watching it because we have it on video as well.

And she said, I'm learning my English from you girls and we're like, oh god do not do not learn English from us because we are not great English speakers. But Tik Tok is that platform that gets you and similar to the videos with me with clients. If there's a new induction of a girl that's come to them and then watching the induction video that I've done, then when I go and see them, they're so excited to come to training as I've seen a bit of me on video, and they turn up ready for Greece and I would never been passed around like that if I wasn't on a video

Chris Schwager 5:32
visual equity. It's it is amazing. Brennan

Brendan Southall 5:37
visual equity JS I like that. That's a nice to say on the next business.

Griz Fechner 5:40
And adults learn differently. So we can spend our life being on stage talking to them, we can spend our lives making them do elearning platforms. But video is bring all of that together. Because with the videos that we do with you guys. We support them with workbooks. So we cover off all the adult learning principles. So the visual learners can visually look at the video, the auditory can not even look but turn off and have their sound that read and write learners get their workbooks and they can work through the videos together. And then the kinesthetic we make sure that during the videos, we get them to pause and go and do an activity. So you're covering us every single learning style by using this video medium technique.

Chris Schwager 6:16
With online marketing filling up competing businesses, you may just need a hand in navigating this terrain. Wirebuzz CEO, Todd Hartley shares modern remote video selling secrets,

Brendan Southall 6:27
Todd provides a textbook guide and you can learn more about it on episodes 19 and 20 with Todd Hartley.

Todd Hartley 6:35
So right at the beginning of COVID, my client Tony Robbins reached out to me and asked me if I could start teaching his clients how to sell remotely in this new world where everybody's working from home in their undies. And that's a lot of fun. But all of a sudden, everything that I've been teaching for the last decade, became super trendy when businesses had no choice but to start selling remotely. And so I think we're in a new world, and videos the most powerful tool for convincing and converting. So we are in the driver's seat, really buyer expectations have changed. And if you think about it, we all like to go on our own rabbit hole journeys.

We don't want to talk with salespeople, we want to do our own research, Google blessed us with the ability to go out and research and look around. And because of that, we've got to make sure that as we're preparing our website, we recognize that in today's world, with most people wanting to go on their own buyers journeys, our website needs to become our best salesperson. So people keep buying from you at faster and faster rates. Do you know what the number one thing they say is when when there's surveys on why companies leave vendors. And the number one thing is I didn't really know what was going on. I was confused there. They weren't, there was a lot of transparency on what was happening.

So all you have to do is inject a ritualized video for each stage of your process and provide massive clarity. And in their head, they're gonna go, oh, that's what's going on right now. Okay, and they'll chill the eff out. They'll start liking you again, because you painted the picture. Remember, people are drawn to clarity and away from confusion. This is not my quote. This is the legendary Donald Miller's quote, and I absolutely love it, use it. And you'll see that money will start coming in like crazy and you could start making it rain at Lululemon.

Brendan Southall 8:39
With a smartphone at hand, you'd think people would be eager to jumpstart their business online with videos, but it's not happening and video marketing legend Rez Khan says it might be your own ego holding you back.

Chris Schwager 8:51
Yeah, learning more about rise in Episode 21 and 22.

Razz Khan 8:57
Your ego doesn't pay your rent. And it's true. You guys is stopping you from paying your rent. Because what happened to me was I did some videos at 2am in the morning. You know, I like I went through the whole hoo ha see on exactly when to talk about and and you know what I did about five or six of these videos. And first thing you do is you go you know, I don't know if I'm any good. Who do you send it to? You send it to your family members or your friends, your closest friends because you trust them. But here's the thing that you don't realize is when I did that I got a lot a lot of you know they a lot of the responses I got back was lol. This is hilarious. Send me more.

I thought about it. These people are close to me. And so their opinion really mattered to me. But then it clicked Dean, you know, and there's two things happened here. The first is basically it clicked in that these people are not my customers. They didn't understand what I was bringing to the table. It's not because they're actually thinking you're no good. It's because they're laughing at themselves. They're saying to themselves I can't do this, why are you doing this? So I need to stop you from doing this. Because then I will have to do this myself as well.

What I've discovered is that the problem is there's a gap between two generations, the older generation who don't want to be in front of the camera, they actually understand business, but the other generation Z generation, they're more inclined to want to share everything, they're happy to go on video they have, there is no ego for them. I mean, you know, it's, it's great, but they don't know that how do I convert that into some form of business yet that the boomers generation and obviously, the earlier Y generation, they're stuck, they're stuck in the middle with an ego. And so there's a big gap in the marketplace. The core of this show today is that, you know, the easiest way today, to really find people you can resonate with is through video. And not just the easiest way, but the cheapest way.

Chris Schwager 10:56
But high ego may just be the tip of the iceberg why people are hesitant to try videos. Because before we could just meet our prospects physically to establish rapport and build trust. These days, the best way to mimic this interaction is through videos. And yet not everyone is jumping to the spotlight.

Brendan Southall 11:17
What is it about presenting on camera that people are afraid of? He's episode 72 and 73. With Dr. Greg Schreeuwer.

Dr. Greg Schreeuwer 11:26
One of the downsides to me of trying to be perfect all the time when I'm presenting on camera makes any mistakes. And I staff it up and then beat myself up because I try to get it right. And then I don't want to do and I lose confidence. Stop believing myself. And then I never want to do it again. The more you answer the question, how does it serve me to do it differently to the way that I try or have tried in the past, the more benefits you stack up in your mind? Eventually you'll get to that aha moment. And you'll realize, oh, yeah, that's why that actually feels better. And then you'll sit in it.

Brendan Southall 11:55
What about in in situations of conflict where you you go through the conflict? And then, you know, minutes later, or days later, you think of the perfect thing that you should have said, how does that fit into what you're saying?

Chris Schwager 12:08
Days later, it's minutes later. It's like God dammit, I should have said this.

Dr. Greg Schreeuwer 12:15
But when you say when you say something like I should have or I needed to, or I had to or or to was that that's that's what we call an imperative language. That's when you're subordinating to someone else saying that. That's the way you should have done it. You did it the way you did it, because that's the way it needed to be done. You said it the way you said it, because that's the way it needs to be said in the moment. Yes. And there's an upside to everyone involved that you said it that was

Chris Schwager 12:37
that doesn't matter, it happened. And therefore you've got to be okay with that and be neutral with that. I mean, there's

Brendan Southall 12:44
such thing as perfectionism.

Chris Schwager 12:46
Yeah, yeah. Well, we're all...

Dr. Greg Schreeuwer 12:48
we're all imperfectly perfect. Yeah.

Chris Schwager 12:51
Brenden Kumarasamy dishes out tips on how you can present better on camera. This is episode 82. Mastering presentation skills.

Brenden Kumarasamy 13:01
I always believe that presentations, the easiest thing to master because if you get the presentation, right, you'll also see the improvement a lot faster. And then that gives you momentum to then focus on every other meeting of communication. Even if you communicate just 20% better than everyone else in your industry, you'll stand out 100% of the time, the principle I always use is that as long as the message is more important than the fear, the fear is in the end, I started coaching C suite level executives when I was 22. Cool in the world, am I when I thought about it, I was like, Yeah, I'm really scared to do this. I'm really scared to post videos. There's people on YouTube who have PhDs, but I did it. Because the message of helping 15 year old couldn't afford a speech coach who needed that information was way more important than the fear. So that's what allowed me to push through

Chris Schwager 13:48
How do you overcome that component to get people to then look at that 20%?

Brenden Kumarasamy 13:54
Yeah, for sure. It would just be this question that I would encourage listeners to think about, how would the world change if you are an exceptional communicator, start to see the benefits the positive, and you'll rise like the star.

Chris Schwager 14:06
Finding a video platform for your business should be easy.

Brendan Southall 14:09
Get acquainted on how Wistia works in a three part episode of building brand using Wistia hosting, Episode 4243. With Phil Nottingham.

Phil Nottingham 14:19
I think that's always been wishes differentiate. And the brand that really demonstrates the understanding that we have of what great creative marketing is and because we tried to eat our own dog food and do great creative marketing that builds trust in the product, because it's clearly being built from the perspective of people who really know what they're doing and are building the tools that they want to use day to day. So we try and build an example that our customers can follow in the content they're creating, and also create content for them that that's going to inspire them and get them more excited and interested about what they're doing.

So I think in May brands like, you know, I think it's all about showing rather than telling people so too many companies fall into this habit of going like, oh, you should do this, you should do why, and they're not doing themselves at all. And, you know, as humans, that isn't how we integrate and understand data, you know, we have to get there through induction, which means people observing lots of different instances of something, and then understanding what that means, in an implicit way, rather than then kind of forming that explicit understanding. So we're serious, like, you can just see what we're doing. And you then go, that seems to be really good, I want to do that. And then you can reverse engineer and work out what that is.

But that is the way in which people really understand and become capable of changing their view. So it's much better to show people what they should be doing differently. Rather than just kind of ranting at them or writing these blog posts that are kind of telling them to do something that you yourself are not doing, everything kind of falls in, but you have to have that core understanding and make that the foundation of your positioning and all the marketing you're doing if people can just sniff out in congruence or any is whether the curtains don't match the wallpaper. So you got to be consistent in everything you're doing and apply that effectively.

Brendan Southall 16:03
If you want your business to stand out, tell your story. But according to Gabrielle Dolan, not everyone understands how to tell stories and leverage these for business.

Chris Schwager 16:12
This is author and story expert Gabrielle with some very magnetic stories. This is episode 60 and 61.

Gabrielle Dolan 16:21
One of my favorite stories from the book comes from Barbies, and I never had a Barbie Barbie is a bad role model for girls and unattainable body image. And you know, I happily went along with that story. And while I was researching for the book, I came across the backstory of Barbie in the 1950s Ruth Handler was the wife of one of the cofounders of Mattel that make Barbie and she had two children, a son and a daughter and what she notice when they were both playing with their respective dolls, her daughter called Barbara could only imagine herself as a caregiver. While her son Ken could imagine himself as a firefighter or an astronaut or a superhero.

And so she pitched to her husband and the other execs of Mattel to produce this sort of 3d figure of a doll with clothes that they could change. And in 1959, Barbie booed at the New York Toy Fair. The you know, as they say the rest is history. But there's a quote from Ruth Handler. And it says that my whole philosophy of Barbie was that through the doll, the little girl could be anything she wanted to be. The Barbie always represented the fact that women have choices. And as soon as I saw that heard that story, it completely changed my opinion of Barbie not only changed my opinion, but will will actually influence my future buying decisions.

But I think what a missed opportunity that that story. And that quote from Ruth Handler is not front and center of their website and is not on every single Barbie package. Because that message is as relevant today as it was in the 1950s. And the thing with the story, because it's tapped into emotion, it not only helps us connect with the story, so the message, but it actually helps us connect with the storyteller. So we it's almost like this, there's an instant trust when when someone tells you a story, you connect with you, you trust them more. So you believe in the story and trust them more. So again, when we're trying to you know, engage customers and get new customers and create brand loyalty. This is why it's important not to just have one story that you know, to have multiple stories that can do that on all different levels.

Chris Schwager 18:39
Well, you reap what you sow. Threadicated CEO Daniel Johansen decided videos for her company was the fastest way to harvest investment and grow her business. This is episode 84.

Danielle Johansen 18:51
It's really important to make sure you are targeting the right investors, you want to make sure that you've got similar values and you're aligned with where the business is going. With all types of funding, there's going to be risk involved. But the biggest one, I think is not choosing the right people to invest in your business. So we use video which we heard was very unique. So that was something that made us stand out. We had very innovative tech at predicated it was a really great way to explain exactly what we did, how our technology works to invest it. And it was a great easy way for them to digest the information as well. I'm not someone who naturally wants to be in front of the camera and talk about our product and we are and what we are doing. So it can be a little bit daunting.

I think something that I really love you guys helped me worded in a way that was snappy and easy to articulate. When you're in the thick of a business. You can sometimes go a little bit high level where other people can understand exactly what you're talking about because you understand that sowing depth, but you helped us break it down in a way that made it easy for anyone watching the video for the first time to clearly understand what we did as a business. Impeccable people said so many compliments about the video, and how lovely it was to watch how professional outliers I couldn't have achieved that on my own. So it was a great investment and the return on investment, a quite a large gold.

Chris Schwager 20:29
to let your business scale, reduce errors, and create time, Systemology Author David Jenyns suggests that systematizing the business is the best way to do it. But don't just emulate big companies like McDonald's.

Brendan Southall 20:44
Find out what systemized business models you can explore and the struggles and benefits that come with it on episode 91 and 92. With David Jenyns.

David Jenyns 20:53
Sometimes there's a misconception thinking, well, if I'm going to systemize I have to systemize like McDonald's and it has to be to that level of detail. But there's a good chance some videographers might not be building a hamburger business. So we don't need to necessarily follow their roadmap Exactly.

But but there's a lot of so key valuable lessons to be learned from McDonald's. How they got started. You know, we don't look at how McDonald's is today. They're this Lean machine systemized. They can open stores within 30 days and meticulous the way that the store runs recruit like they are, every aspect of their business is down to sort of like a fine tooth comb. And that's the result of 60 years worth of work right at the start of that movie. They are out on a basketball court and they've got some chalk, and they're mapping out the floorplan of one of the stores and they say let's put the fryer here. Let's put the registers here. Let's put the drinks machine Key Honor No, let's move that over here.

And that is the way that systems are built. You start off rough and ready. You kind of just get whatever best practices, you make a tweak, you move things around. And that kind of speaks to what you were talking about. around this idea of this slow process. It can be quite polarizing because my line oftentimes I will say don't systemize like McDonald's is today. systemized like McDonald's was 60 years ago. And that's the real insight.

Chris Schwager 22:32
So many great aspects Brendan from so many different experts marketing, business, video, communications, presenting Quato cross section, right, I think it will be I think that's a really great snapshot of what we've been doing over the last two years was great to go. Travel down memory lane and revisit those. That's the top 10 Video Highlights and what a fun little trip back down memory lane, check out those podcasts. And just a reminder, rate and review this show. We want to know who's listening. And if you want to watch our most recent episodes, you can also do that directly from YouTube. Link is in the show notes. Make your video the hero people. Make it the hero and your customers will love you for it. Thanks for tuning in for the last 50 hours. Have you ever lasted that long, but thank you so much for your

Brendan Southall 23:31
loyalty and attention. Attention is scarce. So thank you.

Chris Schwager 23:36
Thanks for tuning in and for following our weekly show. That's all for this episode of the video made simple podcast and see you next week.



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