The Road to Video Success: A Conversation with Ryan Baddock

The Road to Video Success: A Conversation with Ryan Baddock (Episode 163)

diy video production video coaching video marketing video marketing podcast video training Sep 06, 2023

Do you want to use videos for your business but at a loss where to start? Are you puzzled by the idea of gathering your equipment or writing your own script?

Ryan Baddock, the Managing Director of RB Finance, once faced this familiar predicament until he discovered the DIY Desktop Studio.

In this episode of the "Video Made Simple" podcast, Ryan and Chris Schwager, (Video Marketer and Co-Founder of Ridge Films) share insights and experiences of using the DIY Desktop Studio and how a personalised Video Coaching could change the game for your business. You'll hear Ryan talk about the perks of having a teleprompter and assisted directed recordings to streamline communication and elevate audience engagement.

Explore the challenges businesses often face when approaching video marketing and what strategies were used to overcome them. Uncover the critical role of audio and video quality in engaging your audience, making your video presentations easy to watch and easy to understand. As we look to the future, see what's in store for RB Finance as Ryan fully embraces a video-driven approach, setting new standards in the industry. 

DIFFERENTIATION MATTERS EVENT Learn Sales, Automation, differentiation, & Video. (Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney 2023)

FOLLOW RYAN BADDOCK or check out their WEBSITE to learn more about their services.

DIY VIDEO PROGRAM Create your own videos with a push of a button

VIDEO COACHING Refine your on-camera skills with personalised guidance from industry experts

ON-CAMERA TRAINING Create outstanding videos with natural skills of a professional presenter

ASK YOUR QUESTION What has you feeling overwhelmed? Let us help you solve the mystery of video marketing.

CONVINCE YOUR BOSS Download our guide to help decision makers understand the importance of video marketing their business. 

THE POWER OF VIDEO MARKETING View on demand in 60-minutes. 7 lessons to kickstart your video marketing journey.

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Video Transcription:

Ryan Baddock:

You would say, what do you want to say? And then how do you say it in your way and kind of, you never tried to, you know, polish it too far that it was, wasn't me. It was always me doing it in a way that made sense for me and my audience, I suppose. And so it would, it was easy for me to deliver and follow the coaching because, you weren't trying to push me down a generic path of this is how you present and this is what you say. It was like, righto, what have I got? This is what I've got to work with. And you then make that as good as it can be sort of thing. So yeah, that was, that's something that I've appreciated.

[00:00:36] And it can get better. It can get better.

[00:00:47] Chris Schwager: Welcome to Video Made Simple for another week here with our good friend. Ryan Baddock. Ryan's also a mortgage broker in Toowoomba in some place in Queensland, in central Queensland I think. But in at any time here, Ryan.

[00:01:01] Ryan Baddock: South Queensland, mate, south Queensland.

[00:01:03] Chris Schwager: And he is also one of my favorite DIY video clients. He gets, he's got the DIY Desktop Studio as well as regular video coaching. Is that about right so far?

[00:01:14] Ryan Baddock: Yep. Except it's in Southern Queensland, but apart from that, we're all good.

[00:01:17] Chris Schwager: What did I say? Central Queensland

[00:01:18] Ryan Baddock: Central. Yeah.

[00:01:20] Chris Schwager: I'll have, I'll learn all of this in next, well, this week's event in Brisbane when I go up there and have a good old look around. It's been some time since I've visited Queensland, but look, thank you so much for joining me. As you might recognize, if you're a regular listener, that sometimes I like to interview clients and I like to get their perspective on, I guess, pre-video, their early days with video or lack of video and where they are now in terms of using video to integrate into their business. And I guess there's still so many gaps between business and video and implementing different digital, digital strategies, different things within their business, which surprises me, it surprises me that, that businesses know so little about new technologies like ai, for instance, like video, like a whole bunch of, you know, social media for instance. There's still, you know, not, not picking on you at all, but you're actually a ways, leaps and bounds of the average business.

[00:02:21] So, Ryan, just give the audience a bit of a perspective on it, I guess, on what you do, first of all, who you are, what you do, and um, maybe backtracking pre you know us, what were some of the challenges that you were faced in business as to kind of looking seriously at investing in this way?

[00:02:38] Ryan Baddock: Yeah, sure. Thanks Chris. Uh, thanks for having me on the show. The, basically, I'm a mortgage finance broker, as you mentioned, based in Toowoomba in Queensland. So our main core business is to help people find the best outcomes from their banking interactions and negotiate better outcomes and better deals for them, help them navigate a fairly challenging kind of landscape that that goes with getting finance. And we know it's a fairly stressful time. So that's what our team is, is built around helping people, you know, take care of those challenges and also make sure they keep the bank honest and, you know, help them navigate and like you do with, with video, you know, we're the experts in that field. So we try and make that easy, uh, for our clients in terms of that's what we do every day, day in, day out.

[00:03:22] Same, as I said, with you guys with a video. That's what you are doing for, for your clients. So it's a, it's a, in a whole service. We do car loans, um, home loans, investment lending, you know, um, commercial equipment, agri finance, that sort of thing. So it's a full service from us. Um.

[00:03:37] Chris Schwager: And how long you been operating?

[00:03:39] Ryan Baddock: We started out in 2017, so I did, did about 15 years with a couple of commercial banks and then kicked off my own business in January 17. So.

[00:03:48] Chris Schwager: And you're a connected guy. I mean, you, you seem to have you be part of something that, you know, obviously giving us the odd referral from time to time, how you're pretty well connected, right? You're, you've got a, got a bit of a following on linkedIn.

[00:04:01] Ryan Baddock: Yeah, I suppose we do. Look, I have to be, um, you have to know people and mortgage broking and finance broking is a people business. You know, lot of people think it's a money business, but, or a, or a numbers business, but it's a people business and you're trying to, you've gotta know a lot of people. You've gotta talk to a lot of people and you about their trying to solve their problems. So yeah, we've got LinkedIn and social platforms and then just, you know, good old school face-to-face type of thing. And that's what attracted me to, to you guys and trying to do more video is basically to keep that face, you know, face to face. It's a pretty, uh, pretty attractive proposition as you can see on the video. So, you know, keeping, uh, keeping our, our face in front of people and, and that sort of thing is, was important to me.

[00:04:43] Chris Schwager: Yeah. I suppose for a lot of businesses though, they'd go, oh, well, you know, it's a costly exercise. And, you know, faces, I mean, well, I think lots of businesses still stuck with the, well, just don't understand the principle, really, like mm-hmm. I had a, a coaching, not a coaching client, prospect client the other day. I, I just in a fleeting moment towards the end of the sales meeting, just talked about the lack of visual human presence on her website, and I didn't even think twice about it. I literally was like, oh yeah, yeah, of course you'll get some video up there at some point. And then I was wrapping up on anything else and she's like, oh, back on that point about you talking about video on the thing. And she literally just did not recognize that it was gonna be far more accessible for people to understand who she was, and what her business was about in video form over reading texts and trying to explore and navigate their way through their site. It was like a new concept. Mm-hmm. So all of these things that we take for granted in business, don't we? I mean, it's ridiculous how, how we, how, what are we eating Our own dog food. We, we, we breathe it and live it every single day to the point where the most basic things and, and, but basic understanding of how we can help people are often missed.

[00:06:00] Yes. Often miss, we just like, yeah, forget that people don't understand what we understand.

[00:06:05] Ryan Baddock: Correct. Or they don't know that you can do that, or I didn't realize that was what you did. That type of thing. So, mm-hmm. Yeah. I think, uh, so, sorry, go on. I was just gonna say like it's the, we find it. A lot easier to try and communicate with video now because it's easier to get the message across and like you said, people don't like necessarily reading through things or they're happier to consume the video and, and that sort of thing. So, you know, maybe we can touch on that a bit more about where we use it down the track. But that's the kind, you know, people, people are, Not sitting around twiddling their thumbs looking for something to read. So yeah, making it easy is, is important.

[00:06:43] Chris Schwager: To have a professional look online. You really need a professional setup with a solution that allows you to switch it on and start shooting videos. Well, with the DIY Video Program, you get a fully equipped Desktop Video Studio. You get expert scripting, on camera training, video coaching, and all the skills you need to simplify, and speed up your video creation process. If you wanna learn more, go to

[00:07:11] Well, let's, let's talk about you, you know, uh, a year ago. So you've got a site that's got some pictures, pretty pictures of you and your team and all that type of stuff. Why did you make that decision to video? Like, why, why us? I guess what, what was the thing, like you could have gone and hired some local Charlie to come in video in the office and do scrap together something, but what, what was it that you were finding painful in your business as to, uh, making this next step?

[00:07:37] Ryan Baddock: Yeah, I think in regards to the video side of things, particularly we, I knew, I kind of knew that it was important and everyone's been saying, you know, video and, you know, in social media video is, gets better, better our reach and works better for the algorithms and all those sorts of things.

[00:07:51] But I always found that the barrier was just hard to. It was hard. It was, you know, multiple steps, multiple different things that you had to do and you know, as you know, I can operate these sort of stuff rel really easily, uh, because it, it's simple to use, but it's also, you know, one click here, it's all on and I can just get it rolling. So you, you know, the presentations and what you saw the before and afters with your clients attracted me to, you know, these guys can make a big difference. And then, because it's easy and all I gotta do is flick one switch and on it comes, I don't have to change rooms. I don't get up, I don't, you know, I'm in an open plan and I still do this sort of stuff and you know, it's just, It's simple. So the barrier to me recording a video is almost non-existent. Whereas before it was like, how am I gonna do it? How am I gonna edit it? How am I gonna post it? Is it gonna be a phone thing? Is it gonna be, you know, all these different things that I just couldn't work out what to do, so I did nothing. So, and then, yeah, uh, I suppose, and then you watch your videos and you like, like they'll just, Dull and boring and you just, you know, like it, I'd be, I would go, gee, this is horrendous, you know, so you kind of just, you don't, you sort of, you get browned off from watching your own own video. So yeah, it's, uh, I knew that I wanted to do it, but I just didn't have it. It wasn't easy and I didn't really know how. Um, and the technology is something I don't understand, you know, I don't know which camera I need, and I didn't know you could get a teleprompter, you know, as a, you know, at desk sort of solution. I had those, you know, the lights and stuff, but they were like these tiny little things that just, yeah. You know, they didn't do anything. And it was kind of, yes, I just didn't know. I didn't know where to start and I didn't have hours to burn trying to learn how to do it. So.

[00:09:40] Chris Schwager: Yes. Yes. Uh, look, it's such a big undertaking. I've got a presentation coming up. Actually this, this week, as I said in Brisbane, get to the, if I get this podcast out in time, get to that presentation. And if you're in Sydney, Melbourne, have a lookout. It's on the Ridge Films website. Uh, Differentiation Matters. And what it aims to do is to give people insights. I. Into the world of video in sales, because we all know that there is marketing videos, of course, promoting your business, and you see it on YouTube and all that. But there's so many ways of integrating business in, uh, videos into your business. So many very quick and easy, personalized and short, sharp type of information that people just aren't implementing. They don't get it, they don't understand it, and and more important. The, the barriers things like presentation, like messaging, equipment, set up, procrastination, uh, reasons that they're stopping. They're, they're stopping very swiftly, you know, they might have the best intentions, get very excited by it. Woo. Video. I'll go to Ted's camera shop and get myself a, you know, spend three grand and get something. And then they get back and they're like, oh my God, this is, this is hard. This is complicated. And, and, and I still look like shit. You know, why, why is that?

[00:10:56] Um, so. Your understanding back to you, Ryan, understanding that there is to be relevant. Mm-hmm. There needs to be a certain amount of change and a bit of an investment behind that to make it, to make it happen. What led you to the DIY Video Program?

[00:11:19] Ryan Baddock: Uh, because I knew I wanted to make the better quality video and I, and I didn't want to, you know, like I wanted, I, I need to be all sort of things, so I use the setup to present on Zoom so that it looks good and it's sharp and it presents professionally, not some grainy thing off the laptop at a weird angle and you can't share your screen properly and all that stuff. Um, then having, and then it's also things like just a quick reply with a video to a enquiry saying, Hey, I got your enquiry let's, you know, here's how we, here's how we take the next step. And that's like a, you know, a two minute thing. As I said, the Zoom can be an hour long meeting where it's a professional kind of thing for people. Or I'll do a quick social media update on all those sorts of things. So I needed a fairly versatile kind of solution and I didn't, and I wanted to be able to record some legacy sort of videos so that they're assets for us to use down the track, but also as I said, those quick ones. So if I've got a high quality setup, I can do it all, you know, more or less myself. Um, basic editing, you know, that sort of stuff. And then with the support from you guys, one of the things that attracted me was like, how do you do the editing? And you're like, well, you use this and you use that program or whatever. Or what You do some editing for us and or whatever. So it's just matching up how to do those different things. How do I quickly embed a video into an email? I couldn't ever work out how to do that.

[00:12:43] Chris Schwager: Yeah, right.

[00:12:44] Ryan Baddock: You know? So just knowing how to do that from you guys is something that makes it all kind of work. And then I'm not paying kind of four or five grand every video that I wanna make. Just kind of, I've got it there and some days I use it every day, and some days I use it, I don't, but I, when I need it, I just flick it on away we go.

[00:13:03] Chris Schwager: Economies of scale too, isn't it? Like mm-hmm. This is part of the, the new messaging is unlimited professional videos. And for someone that's just invested 22 grand in five videos, professional videos that are not that happy with them because it doesn't really fulfill them. You know, it's like, Ooh, I've got some marketing content. Yeah, okay. I could probably repurpose it, but then that's it. And what you are talking about is that diversified solution where you're able to do client meetings, follow up with a video, reply to enquiry, you know, do a podcast with me. You know, like this is, this is like, you know, Uh, I'm, I'm seeing it now. You know, and it's, and it's from listening to people like yourself and, and other clients, they're saying, fuck yeah. Like, mate, bang for buck. Like the, the leverage is insane. Um, and you know, given that you are where you are at the moment in terms of spending a lot of time in your open plan office, but you know, sitting at your desk and, and banging out videos. It's, it seems like it's, you know, perfect for you, um.

[00:14:10] That virtual digitised version of yourself, what, what are you doing with regards to, um, process building? Are you doing anything with that at all? Like, yeah. Yeah. Okay, cool.

[00:14:23] Ryan Baddock: So trying to in, we're in the process of doing a lot of automation and, and building workflow and, uh, you know, with client updates on, you know, through the sales process and integrating video into that. Uh, so that it's just easier for someone to, you know, Hey, your loan's been submitted and this is what happens and this is what you can expect. And a quick video on that is far easier than reading an, you know, people don't open that emails will read the emails that much. So having that video kind of updates along the way has just been, has been helpful. Um, it's also good just to professionally talk through documents. When we do presentations, we present their, our strategy reports, and you've got -- you know you can easily share, share the screens and do like your, your loom and vimeos and those sorts of things that just, it, it looks good. So yeah, we're using it in, in building it in through our workflow that way. And then it just helps keep us, you know, front of mind and, 'cause there's a number of different people that touch the file along the way, so making sure that there's some consistency from me in it as well. Yeah, it's, it's important.

[00:15:32] Chris Schwager: How, how about competition? I mean, what, what's your industry like with regards to, um, competition? You guys kind of like, beating each other up or you're fairly supportive with each other. And I guess knowing that, where do you stand in terms of relevance now that you, you've implemented video like pretty significantly. Like, it's not like, oh, I'll just go and chuck a video on a homepage. But where, where does it put you in the, in the kind of in running race, if you like?

[00:16:00] Ryan Baddock: I don't know that many others that are doing, you know, or focus as much on video as what we are. So it helps differentiate ourselves there. You know, competition is pretty solid in mortgage broking industry. There's a lot of mortgage brokers, so it does help us stand out a little bit. Um, In terms of beating each other up, I don't really think so.

[00:16:19] There's enough to go around, so yes. Referred some other brokers to you, um, to help them, you know, come up to that same level with video where they want to, but yes, yeah, definitely helps get the, make us a little bit different from, you know, Joe Blow on the, on the corner or some of the bigger businesses that, that may have different sort of setups that just helps us compete on at a higher level as well.

[00:16:42] Chris Schwager: Yes. Yes. And I know you're a busy man, Ryan, so I just will ask 'cause I should've asked before the show, but what, how long do you have?

[00:16:50] Ryan Baddock: Oh, I've got whatever, half an hour. So, mate, I'm all good. Okay.

[00:16:53] Chris Schwager: Another, another 15. Alright. Yeah. With regards to some of the features, some of the benefits and features, I guess specifically that drew you to this as a solution. What, um, can you just touch on some of those? Obviously the one button touch and all that is, is hugely valuable that you can be connected in such a, you know, with, without even cracking a sweat, not even thinking about it. Um, I mean that, that, that's the case for me. One minute into, one minute before the appointment, boom, hit it. I got no, I could be hanging out, washing and having food, whatever. It doesn't, it's not like the. Yeah, it's like preparation if you want. Doesn't need to be anything. You could just go and figure it out.

[00:17:35] Ryan Baddock: Not travel like. Yeah, like you said, I don't have to travel to a. I don't even have to go to another office or another desk, you know, when I'm not using it, I just push it out the way and away you go. And when you are using it, you, you're there. You don't, don't have to worry about going to a studio. I don't have to do any of that sort of stuff. Um, you and you can have, you know, with your scripting and things like that, that can be kind of planned and it's, it's kind of there for you to read off the prompter if you need to and that sort of stuff. So, yeah. It's super easy to, to, to deal with. And.

[00:18:07] Chris Schwager: What, what is the value of the, sorry mate.

[00:18:11] Ryan Baddock: You're alright.

[00:18:12] Chris Schwager: I, I'm, I'm becoming increasingly tighter with my question and answers. However, I seem to be cutting people off. Maybe it's a, maybe it's a Riverside thing. I don't know, but I I, I'm notorious for cutting people off and, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Keep going, please. Um, uh, I wa I was probably going to tap into, I guess, what the real value of the teleprompter is for. What sort of, is that the tool? You know, it used to be the iPhone. Is it the teleprompter now? Is that the tool?

[00:18:45] Ryan Baddock: I think the - the teleprompter yeah! Just. You can, it cuts down the number of takes because you don't have, get halfway through a four minute video and forget what you are talking about, or even a 30-second video and forget what you're talking about. You get, you can stay on message, so you get the points delivered and it's accurate and, and it's kind of, once you learn how to read the text and how to, you know, when to emphasize what things and, and you know, from the coaching side of things, once you learn that, then, you are able to focus less on what you're saying and focus more on how you're saying it because you have confidence in what you've gotta say because it's on in front of you. Does that make sense?

[00:19:30] Chris Schwager: It does. A hundred percent. Make sense. So it's what I call, what I call, I actually had a coaching session this morning and I said, okay, we're at a point where you are reading it, but you dunno what the fuck you're reading. You dunno what this is actually about. Now it's about, okay, let's make sure we are connecting. So it's reading versus connecting. Yeah. And I guess what, what else? So that, that's, so reading the script for you is one thing. What about in meetings, using it for them, because I mean, like you and I are talking, going back and forth here, like we could be in the same room. Right. The, the eye contact is just beautiful. It's amazing. Really? Yeah. It's something that not a lot of people do, not a lot of businesses do, not even broadcast do very well, you know, with this level of detail.

[00:20:21] Um, how do you find it for personalized meetings and, you know, being lit and having that eye contact and being heard clearly, what impact do you believe that has on your clients?

[00:20:36] Ryan Baddock: Well, people stay more engaged because they, you are looking at them so they stay looking at you. You can be still reading. I. You know, I have your notes up on the same screen and just be, this is the things I need to, have I done this, this, and this. And you're not having to look away or pull out some other thing. You can be looking, you know, and often in the days gone past, you'd have a camera set up and then you'd be like, I just gotta look at something else. And you're always over here. And then they, you look back and they're looking at their phone or something because you are not engaged, they're not reciprocating. So I think being able to con maintain that contact and, and have that there in the meeting, in any presentation, I've done podcasts before where I've got a, I just wanted to, I get a few points across so I'd have them up on the prompter and it's there and you know that you've covered off when you do your spiel that you've got everything you needed to do so, yeah, it's.

[00:21:26] Chris Schwager: And, and it's a fleeting glance rather than like your e hole, like trying to get to your notes. Yeah, I get it.

[00:21:32] Ryan Baddock: I'm trying to sticky tape a piece of paper to your screen. Yeah. Sneak phone or whatever. You know.

[00:21:37] Chris Schwager: What's wrong with that? There's probably plenty of people using that as their default at the moment. That's what I do. What do you mean, man?

[00:21:44] Um, so tell me though. So, so assisted directed recordings, right? So we've done a bit of that in our coaching sessions. Got to the end of the. To the session. We've written our script, we've had the on-camera training, and then we've gone into recording mode. And, and I've been able to send you the teleprompter through, through Riverside. Uh, and all you've had to do is look right. Mm-hmm. Deliver right. Sound right. How has that process been for you, the assisted directed recordings?

[00:22:14] Ryan Baddock: Well, it, it helps me. In Taylor, I suppose developing the, the language and the tone in a manner that's going to be well received and it's professional and it's not just me, you know, not just monotone blah, which I can be obviously, and, and it's kind of so that the assisted direction from you is basically just making keeps me on track and you are like, oh, more, more emphasis here or skip through that bit. Or you're taking too long, or that's too slow, or that's stop being so boring. Stop yawning, stand up ya. You know, like, it just, it's better and, or it can be a matter of building confidence and you know, like, you know, I remember we were doing one and you're like, You're being more playful because I'm here and I'm like, yeah, that's probably true. You know, you, you, you're well, and I remember the very first one, we did a number of different takes and I could hear you in my ear and you're like, you know, faster, faster, faster or whatever. Like, so it's just, it helps get it, keep it on. Yeah. Just gives it more polished show basically.

[00:23:23] Chris Schwager: Yeah. And so you are getting, it's less head space for you. Yeah. It's just more about having the guide to kinda shepherd you through. Hmm. Do you, I I, I really wanna, I just wanna go again on this for you to, I guess explain to, to the audience and 'cause I, you know, effectively I've done it, but I need you to do it, explain to the audience what the assisted director recordings is and the benefit really on your time and getting a better product in a shorter period of time. Yeah. Um, so I'll let you, I'll let you far away. So, so what is it and why is it good?

[00:24:00] Ryan Baddock: Yeah, so the assisted directed recording is basically, it allows me to, we, we, we narrow down what our message is and what the content is, and then basically couple of read-throughs and then you bang you get it done. So it's a faster way of knocking out that video that you need to get done and you know that it's on track and the messages are there. You're not spending half an hour sort of re-recording going back, you know, me messing that bit up. So the pace and the tone and the inflections and all those things are there because you've you've spent the time to get the, the content right, and then you are there kind of giving that live on the spot coaching that says, you know, maybe faster, maybe slower pause, whatever. And it just helps. It's just a quicker process to the end product.

[00:24:48] Chris Schwager: So the, so the director is, is how, is, how is the director working with you? Like talk, uh. Average person who has no idea about the, the, got a teleprompter max, how through the earpieces or whatever is that Yeah, no, no. Through like the actual teleprompter. Like people, some people actually don't know what a teleprompter is. I actually don't understand the concept of it at all. Yeah. Like I, I actually have, I, I always. It's one of these things, again, back to our earlier point like that, I've always gotta be patient with mm-hmm. And, and explain it to people like, like turn the prompter over and I show them the inside of it and I explain them that there's a lens behind where their face is. And, and like I take a lot of care and I'm like, it's just a zoom window. You know, it's very easy. Or you can have text or you can have yourself. At the end of it, they're like, oh, right. So that's how it works and that's how you get this wonderful eye contact. So, but before that, they have no knowledge of the fact that it's a 45 degree piece of transparent glass and shooting through it's reflection and all that type of stuff. So anyway, we don't wanna go into the world, the history of, I can re reflected glass, but Yeah.

[00:26:03] How, how do people, how does the, the director work with you? Like how is it presented to you to make it easier for you?

[00:26:10] Ryan Baddock: Yeah. Cool. Yeah, so when you're directing basically with the, with the content in the teleprompter, which allows me to, to look through and keep eye contact with the camera, but also see the, the content or the words that I need to deliver and

[00:26:27] Chris Schwager: Or the director.

[00:26:28] Ryan Baddock: Or the director. Yeah. And so I'm looking at you as if I'm talking to a real person and then you, I can hear you as well through, through my earpiece

[00:26:36] Chris Schwager: and see,

[00:26:37] Ryan Baddock: And see so it's all, you know, thumbs up or thumbs down or slower or whatever. Like, it's, it's like having a more natural conversation and, and all the meanwhile still keeping focused on the camera. And, and then you've got your, your words through there at the same time. So,

[00:26:51] Chris Schwager: and recording it in HD

[00:26:53] Ryan Baddock: and recording it in hd. Yeah. Which I don't even know what that means, but that's fine. No, I don't.

[00:27:01] Chris Schwager: Well that's, that's fine.

[00:27:02] Ryan Baddock: It's a good quality recording. Yeah. There you go. Good quality recording. Yeah. I mean, look, it is, it is a selling point.

[00:27:08] Chris Schwager: It's something I'd love to push further, but it unfortunately at the moment, the explanation of it's really complicated. Um, but it's such a,

[00:27:16] Ryan Baddock: I think the HD side of things comes through better in. When the, the, it's being consumed, you can tell that it's not a pixelated, grainy, skippy sort of thing. You're actually

[00:27:27] Chris Schwager: Yeah. Like a shitty zoom call sort of thing.

[00:27:28] Ryan Baddock: Yeah. You look sharp and, and it's, it's just easier to watch. I mean, if I listen to a podcast and the audio gets crackly, I, I kind of, yeah. Turn it off.

[00:27:38] Chris Schwager: Oh man , I'm the same.

[00:27:39] Ryan Baddock: If I'm in the video. Wanna start skipping or it's grainy or it's a shit quality video. I don't mind watching it. So

[00:27:44] Chris Schwager: To have a professional look online, you really need a professional setup with a solution that allows you to switch it on and start shooting videos. Well, with the DIY Video Program, you get a fully equipped desktop video studio. You get expert scripting on camera training, video coaching, and all the skills you need to simplify and speed up your video creation process. If you wanna learn more, go to

[00:28:11] Yeah, it's funny, isn't it? Like I do a lot of, um, like meditative, um, stuff through, what's it called? Um, oh, I can't think of the app right now. Brain? Um, no. Oh, it'll come to me. Actually, I should just pull it up on my phone.

[00:28:26] Ryan Baddock: Headspace, far as

[00:28:27] Chris Schwager: Headspace, uh, Headspace? Yeah. Insight. Insight timer. Uh, Okay. Insights timer. So it's got a whole bunch of meditations and you can just dial up, I want a five minute, one on one, 10 minute one and all that. Mm-hmm. And I do it as part of my life insurance policy where they accumulates points and this sort of stuff. So I don't, I'm not a big, you know, you know, meditator like on my bed or I just play it while I'm working out and shit and just listen to someone, gimme some positive affirmation shit while I'm pumping iron, whatever. Um, but, um, but, these. These are all like user generated meditations, right? And some the ones that I save are really well produced, beautiful, beautifully done, beautiful music, et cetera. And then there's just some scrappy shit, you know, with like people that put music tracks in, like the looping the music in the background, but. Like, it doesn't loop properly, so you can hear it skip into, you know, and just kinda like, they just chucked it down. Others that have literally pulled out their iPhone to record some tranquil water and literally done it with their iPhone so you can hear 'em like pull away from the, from it and put it back and all this sort of stuff. Um, and, and just so, just generally some poor quality audio from them. And yeah, it's, it's that 10th of a second moment where I go. It's much like the, the way that people, uh, see things visually, like when they hit your landing page and whatnot. They'll, they'll get a, they'll get an emotive, uh, rush if you like, that'll determine whether they stay or go. Um, and, and the same thing happens with audio. I find. It's like, if it's a you.

[00:30:03] I've gotta put it in context. If it's Gary Vee I'll go. Yeah, yeah. It's all right. You know, I'll listen, I'll, I'll listen through this scrappy, shitty thing, you know, because I know there's gonna be high value, right. I'm getting a lot outta it. But if it's some amateur, you know, meditation person that's like, oh, hello, I'm June from, you know, central America somewhere with some shit house like, You know, iPhone, recorded podcast, uh, or, uh, meditation, I'll be probably less likely to, to give, uh, my time. Hmm. Um, but it's interesting, I I isn't it the, the standard for three years and, we'll, we'll say since 2022, but has, has been zero, like it really has been whatever you can do to show up and to be audible is the benchmark.

[00:30:52] Ryan Baddock: Yeah, but it's just, you don't wanna be recording videos on Zoom and then showing up like it is 'cause it's not 2020 anymore.

[00:31:00] Chris Schwager: Uh, I find when, when it comes to these interactions I have with people that the sales meetings and whatnot, there is a, I find a distinct difference in my ability to connect with them based on how they present, how they, they show up, uh, with regards to, to the, are they illuminated in their, in their, around their facial area properly? Are they audible, clear without, without distractions? That that is a distinct, uh, obstacle that if they can overcome that, it's a better meeting. But I, I've, I, because I just, I've done this from people that I've met with who have then invested in the desktop studio and it's just like, shit, this is what you look like. Because some of the installs have been done in a state and whatnot where I haven't been, I haven't seen them in person. And all of a sudden here they are rocking up and like, it's better than I expected. And it's probably better than they expected to, but it's like, holy shit. Now I can actually feel much more connected to you. Based on the fact that I can see the detail and nuances in your face that are otherwise really compromised when you think about some of the worst video, right. With, with people like in silhouette or in your situation, if that blind was open and the the, the light was changing all the time and you know, one minute they're in silhouette and they're like flickers and all of a sudden it's, you know, the camera's auto adjusting all the time. Yeah. Yeah. That, that's not only distracting, but it's just, just doesn't put you in any. Decent light, you know? Um, I don't know. I'm kind of going on a ramble there, but I just, I, I just want this, I want people to acknowledge that there is, that they've gotta do better and that there is a solution.

[00:32:48] Ryan Baddock: Yeah. You know, we just gotta know.

[00:32:51] Chris Schwager: You gotta know baby. Now, Ryan, the future for you because it's been great helping you so far with a lot of the things and we have achieved a, a shit load of, of mm-hmm. Uh, different videos that you've implemented and whatnot. Where, where do you see all this going for RB Finance for the future?

[00:33:15] Ryan Baddock: Uh, in terms of video, I suppose it helped as we continue to scale, it helps keep me, you know, top of mind through the process and then helps keep building our brand and, and our awareness of us. So we just, you know, I, once I've finished the workflow and the automation, then we'll work through just building out all more and more video assets that we can use, explain a video and, and, um, yeah, that type of thing that we can just continue to, to evolve and think about, pretty much nearly every email you send. Can that be a video? Um, and, and also, Just the questions that you get. You know, should we do an explainer on that rather than here's a 500 word email that explains something that I could say in a minute on a video that people will actually watch and then they can go back and watch it again and Yeah, you, it's just a, so that's for us where we probably look to go and looked, you know, we're gonna look at building our podcasts and things like that, so it's kind of, yeah, but, but just keep evolving with how we do it with video, and I've got it written on my whiteboard here next to my desk is, um, lead with video. So that's the kind, that's the process we're going with.

[00:34:37] Chris Schwager: Was that something I said to you?

[00:34:38] Ryan Baddock: Yeah, I'd say so.

[00:34:42] Chris Schwager: I love it. Oh, that brings, that's makes my day. Oh, no, no. Look, it just makes my day, man, that, that people, listen, you know, I was saying earlier, um, to, to one of my coaching clients this morning, I was just giving her some on camera training and I said, Um, the problem of being the youngest of eight children being bored into a fa, into a family full of people, a room full of people is not presenting myself. It's not the confidence to present and get myself out there and all that. It's knowing that I'm being heard. Mm-hmm. Um, and it's a distinct difference is knowing that what I have to say adds value to the person on the other end, you know what I mean?

[00:35:27] And I think for you, I, and I, just one more thing before we wrap up, but Dom Procter, who's another friend of mine and who's invested in the DIY he's, he's kind of gets his, he gets his mates rates, he's sort of video coaching from time to time, whatever. We work something out. And he presents a, he, he wanted me to give him some advice. He presents a reply to a meeting in an email. Mm-hmm. And he said, and he, he, he showed me the copy and I'm not gonna read a fucking single word, right. He shows me all the copy and he goes, do you think I should add a video to this?

[00:36:03] And I'm like, dude, all that is the video. Like there's no way anyone can possibly sit through all of that shit there and like take it from like FIN services. Anyone that's early adopting in fin services is using video as the documentation. As the document. You know, they're thinking about video in that way. The documentation is that visual. But for that reason, like you said, that, that it can be replayed, reused, it can watch it again and again and again if they need to. Right. Um, but I do, I do find that there's so much opportunity and for you, where you are is. It's such an exciting time to have, I guess, access to be able to do this and to grow with it. But you know, you don't need me for every single thing that you do. Yeah. It's like, you know, um, putting video first in your business I think is, is the, is the most exciting thing because it's not going anywhere, video's everywhere. And the reality is you're going to definitely be impressionable for your audience because you're using it in this way and it's not scrappy. It's good quality.

[00:37:14] So well done to you. I really appreciate you spending some time today with me to No worries. Explore this further. Uh, for the listeners who've sat through this, you know, you'll, you'll have heard the sound bites. You know, and this is what I, this is what I, I love about this process is having you in your natural, uh, you know, very informal state where we're not I'm not chucking stuff down your throat trying to get you to say something a perfect way. Um, the reality is out of, out of what you said, that while we're definitely getting these new, these little vignettes of information that are gonna be hugely valuable for not only brokers, but the broader, the broader business world.

[00:37:55] So well done. Thank you so much. Yeah.

[00:37:57] Ryan Baddock: Thanks mate. Uh, please appreciate the help you've provided. And you touched on something there about, you know, casual and natural, which is something that I trying to bring through the video and, and when we talked about the scripting and the coaching, before, you would say, what do you want to say? And then how do you say it in your way? And kind of, you never tried to, you know, polish it too far that it was, wasn't me. It was always me doing it in a way that made sense for me and my audience, I suppose. And so it would, it was easy for me to deliver and follow the coaching because you weren't trying to push me down a generic path of this is how you present and this is what you say. It was like, righto, what have I got? This is what I've got to work with. And you then make that as good as it can be sort of thing. So yeah, that was, that's something that I've appreciated. Um, keeping it real, I suppose, which is, What I'm all about. So yeah, thanks. It's been really good.

[00:38:54] Chris Schwager: And you are, you are welcome. And like you are real. You, you're, you know, like it, I love the, I love that about, uh, business. I love that in small business in particular that, you know, you see what you see is what you get. You know, it's like the way you present yourself on social media. It's, it's no different to me having a coffee or a beer with you, right?

[00:39:14] Yeah. It would be exactly the same. It's like, You are who you are, and that's the way it is. You know, and, uh, people talk about authenticity all the time, and I get the shits because, you know, this is you baby. You know what I mean? Like, what's, what's inauthentic about that? You know? It's like, uh, it's like, don't, you know, people think, oh, well I just want, I'm going on camera. I just wanna be authentic. It's like, yeah, but you, you're putting yourself under an immense amount of stress and pressure to be something that, you would strive to be, but the reality is you are spending the first time ever in front of a teleprompter, lights, camera, and makeup artist, fucking camera, all this stuff around, like, if you are climbing up and you look like shit, that's you baby. That's your authentic self, right? Like that's, that, that's why, that's why I get a bit dirty on it, so. Well, yeah. And, and there's a skillset there to build and acknowledge that you need education and, and support through that so that you don't suck, you know? And so, um, yeah, I, I find authenticity is not quite the right word, just like real, be real, be it more exciting. Mm-hmm. Be someone that show that personality, you know? Mm-hmm. Which I'm sure would be yours after a couple of drinks, you know what I mean?

[00:40:23] Ryan Baddock: Yeah, yeah.

[00:40:24] Chris Schwager: Um, so, alright man, look, thank you so much. I appreciate your time and like, uh, I know you're flat chat man, so I'll let you go and, uh, thank you again.

[00:40:34] Ryan Baddock: Thanks Chris. See you.



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