Building Your Brand Using Wistia Hosting with Phil Nottingham (Episode 40)

branding diy video coaching video marketing video marketing podcast wistia Jan 11, 2021

The era of automation is great, but humanisation will help you set your brand apart from the competition. And the best way to elevate your brand? VIDEO!

In this episode, Chris Schwager (Video Marketer from Ridge Films) sits down with Phil Nottingham (Brand and Video Marketing Strategist from Wistia). Learn how you can make your brand more human, one video at a time and how you can measure its success with the help of Wistia.

Here’s what you can learn from the episode:

  • What video hosting is
  • Wistia vs Youtube, Vimeo, Vidyard
  • Key difference of Wistia
  • Features and benefits of Wistia

Be sure to listen the other episode with Phil here:

Creating a Company Video Channel with Phil Nottingham


Links and Resources:


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Some People Excel at Brand Refresh and Some Don't - Which One Are You?

Magnetic Stories: Make Them Real & Personal with Gabrielle Dolan Pt 1

Magnetic Stories: Make Them Real & Personal with Gabrielle Dolan Pt 2

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The Brand Within: How Personal Identity Can Transform Your Business

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How to Build a YouTube Brand from Nothing with Linh Podetti

AI for Voice-overs and Audio Branding with David Ciccarelli

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